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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
RQ-50188-06Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsCatholic University of AmericaJohn Duns Scotus: Critical Edition of the Reportatio Parisiensis examinata I-A, d. 25-357/1/2006 - 9/30/2008$150,000.00TimothyB.Noone   Catholic University of AmericaWashingtonDC20064-0001USA2006Medieval StudiesScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs1000005000099926.2945000

Preparation of a critical edition of Duns Scotus's Reportatio Parisiensis examinata I-A, distinctions 25-35. (24 months)

Scotus was unquestionably one of the most outstanding and influential philosopher-theologians of the Middle Ages. The research team proposes to work on Scotus's "Commentaria in libros Sententiarum Parisiensia" by continuing our on-going edition of the "Reportatio Parisiensis examinata I-A," part of one of the most influential commentaries on the Sentences in the High Middle Ages. The critical edition forthcoming from the proposed study will be an invaluable resource for medievalists, philosophers, theologians, historians of ideas and historians of science. The historical impact of Scotus's philosophical and theological ideas was enormous, substantially influencing discussions of topics down to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.