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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
RZ-255760-17Research Programs: Collaborative ResearchCenter for Desert ArchaeologyArchaeology and Oral Histories along the Lower Gila River in Southwestern Arizona, 600-1830 AD10/1/2017 - 9/30/2021$175,000.00Aaron Wright   Center for Desert ArchaeologyTucsonAZ85701-1107USA2017ArchaeologyCollaborative ResearchResearch Programs1250005000012500050000

Artifact survey at 43 Native American sites in the Gila River Valley in Arizona, leading to the development of interpretive print and online publications, lectures, and a book. (36 months)

The Lower Gila River Ethnographic and Archaeological Project (LGREAP) is an interdisciplinary, collaborative research program that is exploring and interpreting the relationship between cultural identity and migration along the lower Gila River in southwestern Arizona from 600 A.D. to 1830 A.D. through a Native American lens. In particular, LGREAP aims to couple archaeological and tribal interpretations of the past to yield a comprehensive, multiple narrative history on the dynamics of cultural identity in contexts of religious difference and migration. LGREAP has avid support from the four tribes with whom ethnographic research will be carried out. Furthermore, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office has determined that the proposed archaeological fieldwork will not have an adverse affect on the historic properties, as regulated by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Project deliverables include at least four peer-reviewed articles and a documentary film.