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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
TR-50099-10Public Programs: America's Media Makers: Production GrantsGreater Washington Educational Telecommunications AssociationProhibition4/1/2010 - 4/30/2012$500,000.00DavidS.Thompson   Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications AssociationArlingtonVA22206-3440USA2010U.S. HistoryAmerica's Media Makers: Production GrantsPublic Programs50000005000000

Production of a three-part, six-hour documentary with a companion website about the rise, rule, and repeal of the 18th Amendment in its social, cultural, and political contexts.

PROHIBITION is a six-hour, three-part documentary film series that will explore the rise, rule, and fall of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the entire era it encompassed. The series will examine the social, political, and cultural forces that converged to make the Amendment's passage possible, the far-reaching impact of Prohibition on American life, and the country's eventual disillusionment with the edict, which culminated in repeal. The series will be broadcast nationally in prime time on PBS in 2011, and will be accompanied by extensive educational outreach materials and a major promotional campaign to drive tune-in. In addition a web site will be created for the film to be housed on