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Grant number like: TS-50047-07

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
TS-50047-07Public Programs: Media TV ScriptingNew York Foundation for the Arts, Inc.Theodore Dreiser: Marching Alone7/1/2007 - 6/30/2008$60,000.00George Pozderec   New York Foundation for the Arts, Inc.BrooklynNY11201-8301USA2007American LiteratureMedia TV ScriptingPublic Programs600000600000

Scripting of a 90-minute documentary film exploring the life and writings of Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945).

Drawing together new scholarship and rich historical resources (including extensive interviews with Dreiser intimates and never before heard radio and film interviews by Dreiser himself) the documentary is an opportunity to engage the public in an exploration of the man behind such seminal novels as "Sister Carrie," "Jennie Gerhardt," "The Financier" and "An American Tragedy." As the first documentary on Dreiser, this film is envisioned as a way to illuminate Dreiser's life through the exploration of the literary and social impact of his writings. Besides the nature of Dreiser's career, it will explore his groundbreaking inquiries into issues that still resonate with meaning today: poverty and the leisure class in America, the dilemnas of urban life, ethnic conflic, sexual mores, civil liberties in times of war, the dilemnas of modern marriage, censorship, the role of women in contemporary society.