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Participant name: martis
Date range: 1977-1980

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Page size:
 2 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 2 items in 1 pages
RT-*0420-77Preservation and Access: Reference Materials - ToolsWest Virginia University Research CorporationAtlas of U.S. Congressional Districts 1789-19764/1/1977 - 9/30/1981$115,661.00KennethC.Martis   West Virginia University Research CorporationMorgantownWV26506-6201USA1977 Reference Materials - ToolsPreservation and Access1156610115658.70

To compile for the first time complete Congressional district boundary maps for all of the 95 Congresses in the history of the U.S. (1789-1976). The research undertaken would fill this data gap in American history through archival research leading to the drafting of the Congressional district maps and their publication in a reference atlas. Because of the character of American history, institutions, and legislative systems, the mapping of votes in Congress would be a valuable analytical and illustrative tool.

RT-042077-79Preservation and Access: Reference Materials - ToolsWest Virginia University Research CorporationAtlas of U.S. Congressional Districts: 1789-1976-Atlas of Political Party Distrib. in the U.S. Congress: 1789-19764/1/1977 - 3/30/1980$57,000.00KennethC.Martis   West Virginia University Research CorporationMorgantownWV26506-6201USA1979History, GeneralReference Materials - ToolsPreservation and Access570000570000

To compile for the first time a complete congressional district boundary map for all of the ninety-five congresses in U.S. history (1789-1976).