NEH datasets published to This site contains all NEH datasets published via The latest updates will always be available at the following location: The data is available as XML in .zip archives -- each archive contains an XML file and the schema against which the data can be validated. (In the case of grant products the archive contains many separate XML files, one per product type, and the schemas for validation.) Data about NEH grants, evaluators, and products is also available in UTF-8 comma-separated-value (CSV) files. The NEH datasets available fall into four broad categories: 1. Grants/Awards Information about NEH grants is contained in the files named These files are broken into decades. The data is described in the file NEH_GrantsDictionary.pdf. Note that data for grants made before the advent of the NEH electronic grants management system is sparser than that for more recent grants. The XML files for grants are available in two formats: one with hierarchical XML (a grant may have more than one element of a particular type, e.g. participant or category), and another with those hierarchical relationships flattened to produce a table suitable for importing into Excel. The filenames indicate the type of XML data contained in the .zip archive. Flattened grant files are also available in CSV format. The schema is identical to the flattened XML file. 2. Evaluators Information about NEH peer reviewers from 1970 to the present is contained in the file named, which includes an XML file and the schema for data validation. The data is described in the file NEH_EvaluatorsDictionary.pdf. This data is also available in CSV format. The schema is identical to the XML file. 3. Grant products In 2014 the NEH began gathering information about grant 'products' from recipients of NEH awards. These products are of various types: books; articles; films; exhibitions; websites or blogs; catalogs -- 24 types in all. Information about these products is collected in the file, and the data, which varies depending on the type of product, is described in the file NEH_GrantProductsDictionary.pdf. Grant product data is also available in CSV format, one file per product type. The schemas are identical to the XML files. 4. State council activities This data was reported by the 56 NEH-funded state and jurisdictional humanities councils, and covers the years 1998-2015. The councils provided information about governance; projects funded; audience and attendance; and other matters. This data is contained in the files (XML) and NEH_StateCouncils.xlsx (Excel); and it is described in the file NEH_StateCouncilsDictionary.pdf.