
Education Programs: Dialogues on the Experience of War

Period of Performance

5/1/2018 - 12/31/2021

Funding Totals

$95,090.00 (approved)
$94,960.92 (awarded)

Dialogues of Honor and Sacrifice: Soldiers’ Experiences in the Civil War and the Vietnam War

FAIN: AV-260610-18

Jefferson Community College (Watertown, NY 13601-1822)
Ronald Palmer (Project Director: November 2017 to October 2022)

A one-week preparatory program, and a 15-week undergraduate course including a field trip to Gettysburg, PA, and Washington, DC.

Jefferson Community College, located in Northern New York, serves the most deployed division of the U.S. Army, the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum military base. Veterans comprise over 15% of the total student population at Jefferson. The college proposes a new course for student veterans called Dialogues of Honor and Sacrifice: Soldiers’ Experiences in the Civil War and the Vietnam War. The course is expected to provide a transformational student learning experience, a substantive introduction to the humanities for undergraduates, a replicable model for community colleges and institutions serving military communities, and an opportunity for student veterans to reconcile a diversity of perspectives on the experiences of war. The Dialogues program will focus on the American Civil War and the Vietnam War through the themes of honor and sacrifice.

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