
Challenge Programs: Education Challenge Grants

Period of Performance

10/1/1980 - 6/30/1985

Funding Totals (matching)

$300,000.00 (approved)
$300,000.00 (offered)
$225,000.00 (awarded)

Challenge Grant: Library Development for Southern Studies Humanities Center

FAIN: CE-*1895-81

Center for the Study of Southern Culture (University, MS 38677-9700)
William Ferris (Project Director: February 1980 to October 1990)

To support documentation of a folklore collection and to acquire and document other items; to support creation of an endowment for library acquisitions and development.

Associated Products

Blues from the delta (Book)
Title: Blues from the delta
Author: Ferris, William
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat entry
Publisher: Da Capo
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780306803277