
Education Programs: Education Development and Demonstration

Period of Performance

9/1/1973 - 1/31/1980

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$612,072.09 (approved)
$612,072.09 (awarded)

Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

FAIN: ED-*0063-74

CUNY Research Foundation (New York, NY 10036-0150)
Madeleine P. Cosman (Project Director: February 1973 to October 1990)

This proposal is for a five year grant for the development of the Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. It presents a detailed history, plan, and budget for the development of administrative structure; courses and teaching methods; several distinct faculty and student constituenceis; publications; research projects; scholarly colloquia; library; institutional affiliations; and some other special projects of the Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies of the City College of the City University of New York.