
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

5/1/1978 - 6/30/1979

Funding Totals

$49,348.29 (approved)
$49,348.29 (awarded)

TV Component for Calif. St. Univ. and Colls:External Degree Prog. In Humanities

FAIN: EH-*0615-78

California State University (Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609)
Howard Holter (Project Director: November 1977 to October 1990)
Ardath Lee (Co Project Director: July 1978 to June 1979)

To support production of one pilot film to reach adult students in California. To explore ways to develop faculty control of television and related media.

To produce 9 TV programs to form the basic television component for existing state-wide external degree programs in the humanities. Plan will significantly increase ability of these programs to reach adult students in California, and will explore ways to develop faculty control of television and related media. Television component of external degree program will be integrated into existing multi-media format, and will complement current structure by providing pacing, a sense of controversy, and a "human" dimension needed in these programs which have little face-to-face contact with students.