A Study Guide & Bibliography/Discography for American Country Music
FAIN: EH-*0674-78
John Edwards Memorial Foundation, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA 90024)
Norm Cohen (Project Director: November 1977 to October 1990)
To produce a guide including summaries of the history and development of country music, of the record industry and of the history of country music scholarship.
JEMF, the only university-affiliated archive and research center devoted principally to country music and related musical forms, will prepare a study/research guide and a bibliography/discography to the subject of country music. Study guide will include summaries of the history and development of country music, of the record industry as it pertains to country music and of the history of country music scholarship. Surveys of published, recorded, and archival resources, extensive bibliographies and discographies, and reviews of current problems and trends in the study of country music will also be included.