
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

6/1/1978 - 6/30/1981

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$37,400.00 (approved)
$36,104.26 (awarded)

Project ASC-Avenues for Successful Comm- unication in the Humanities

FAIN: EH-*0707-78

Salem State University (Salem, MA 01970-5353)
Neil B. Olson (Project Director: November 1977 to October 1990)

To build freshman-level English, speech and library communication skills thereby accelerating successful adjustment to college-level learning.

To develop ASC, which seeks to assist humanities faculty in the discovery and use of reference materials, film and other media, and of off-campus resources for humanities courses. Funds will provide 2 Librarian Teachers to assist in this effort and to: 1)conduct classroom instruction in a freshman program integrating information searching and media communication with English, Speech, and History; and, 2) develop a student peer-tutoring program for assistance in library- media information research.