
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/16/1977 - 9/30/1981

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$310,620.00 (approved)
$310,620.00 (awarded)

Program on Undergraduate Education in Law and the Humanities

FAIN: EH-*1277-77

American Bar Association (Chicago, IL 60611-3152)
Gerald Fetner (Project Director: May 1977 to October 1990)

To sponsor the development of high quality courses. To introduce students to the role of law in society, through examination of its relationship to humanities disciplines.

To prepare curriculum guides on the role of law in society through examination of law's relationship to such humanities disciplines as history, literature, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology. The guides will consist of an outline of essential issues and topics relevant to each area, study and discussion questions, and bibliographical essays on resources available to teach each theme. They will serve as tools for faculty wishing to establish new courses, expand and enhance current undergraduate offerings in law and humanities, and integrate legal themes into existing humanities courses.