
Education Programs: Institutional Development

Period of Performance

5/1/1977 - 4/30/1981

Funding Totals

$199,710.00 (approved)
$199,710.00 (awarded)

Program of Humanistic Studies

FAIN: EI-*0384-77

Clark University (Worcester, MA 01610-1400)
Marvin D'Lugo (Project Director: November 1976 to October 1990)

To revise beginning courses in humanities to facilitate the development of basic thinking skills and to emphasize critical and analytical skills. To plan and develop five interdisciplinary clusters of courses at the advanced level. Clusters will treat a common theme, historical period, or cultural phenomenon from the perspective of such humanities disciplines as comparative literature, foreign language and literature, English, philosophy and the visual and performing arts in conjunction with humanistic education in history, geography, psychology and sociology. These clusters are designed to guide students in integrating their major program with other disciplines in order to achieve a balanced liberal arts education with a solid humanistic core.