
Education Programs: Pilot Grants - Education

Period of Performance

1/1/1979 - 5/31/1980

Funding Totals

$28,526.25 (approved)
$28,526.25 (awarded)

Women's Studies: Curriculum Innovation and Development

FAIN: EP-*0393-78

Colgate University (Hamilton, NY 13346-1338)
Maryilyn Thie (Project Director: November 1977 to October 1990)

To support an interdisciplinary introductory Women's Studies course, "Women's Place in the Anglo-American Tradition, 1789-Present," and to sponsor 2 workshops, each led by an outside consultant, in which interested faculty can participate in curricular revision. Course and workshops will contribute to developing the interdisciplinary potential of the faculty interested in Women's Studies, taking advantage of the interdisciplinary focus on Colgate's General Education Program and the interdisciplinary thrust of Women's Studies.