Philosophy and Contempory Issues
FAIN: EP-*1223-78
Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8559)
Fadlou Shehadi (Project Director: May 1978 to October 1990)
In the Fall of 1978, The Department of Philosophy at Douglass College launched an experimental program the heart of which is 11 courses in Philosophy and Contemporary Issues. Program has 5 phases: l) Release time for the 4 participating professors so that they can prepare for and teach the courses; 2) Prepare and publish reading materials where needed; 3) hold two seminars with invited speakers for discussion of issues in some of the areas covered by the Program; 4) hire consultants- evaluators to help at different stages of the Program; and, 5) Strengthen the library holdings of the College in the areas most needed. Douglass College is one of 5 Rutgers colleges in New Brunswick.