
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

7/1/1977 - 9/30/1979

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$332,388.66 (approved)
$332,388.66 (awarded)

Global Perspectives; Humanistic Influence on the Curriculum Phase II

FAIN: ES-*1396-77

Center for Global Perspectives (New York, NY 10003-3605)
Larry E. Condon (Project Director: November 1976 to October 1990)

To develop and test: 1) components of a K-12 curriculum framework based on four teaching handbooks containing ideas and sample lessons for achieving global perspectives goals through a focus on four basic concepts (interdependence, conflict, change, communication); 2) demonstration units illustrating ways of integrating humanities courses and content with other disciplines; 3) a dissemination guidebook aimed at a wide variety of audiences, including local schools.