
Education Programs: Seminars for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

1/1/1979 - 6/30/1980

Funding Totals

$55,148.00 (approved)
$55,148.00 (awarded)

Religious Life in Middle Ages with Particular Attention to 11th & 12th Centuries

FAIN: FS-*1134-76

President and Fellows of Harvard College (Cambridge, MA 02138-3800)
Giles Constable (Project Director: May 1976 to October 1990)

To study the religious ideals of men and women in the Middle Ages and their institutional expression in monasticism and other forms of religious life, such as those of canons, hermits, and pilgrims. The seminar will cover the entire Middle Ages hut will concentrate on the monastic crisis of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The approach will he thematic as well as chronological and various aspects of medieval life which were affected by religious institutions and ideals will he studied.