
Preservation and Access: Reference Materials - Access

Period of Performance

7/1/1981 - 3/31/1985

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$91,630.00 (approved)
$17,579.32 (awarded)

An Information Retrieval System for the Contents of MedievalScientific Manuscripts in Latin

FAIN: RC-*1884-81

University of Winnipeg (Winnipeg, Canada)
Nan L. Hahn (Project Director: October 1980 to October 1990)

To support an information retrieval system for the contents of medieval scientific manuscripts in Latin.

Associated Products

The Benjamin Data Bank and BAG/2 : a case history and user manual for encoding, storing and retrieving information on medieval manuscripts (Book)
Title: The Benjamin Data Bank and BAG/2 : a case history and user manual for encoding, storing and retrieving information on medieval manuscripts
Author: Hahn, Nan L.
Publisher: Benjamin Data Bank
Type: Single author monograph