
Research Programs: Editions

Period of Performance

4/1/1978 - 6/30/1981

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$67,897.00 (approved)
$67,897.00 (awarded)

The Translation and Editing of New Netherland Archives

FAIN: RE-*1395-77

New York State Library (Albany, NY 12230-0001)
Peter R. Christoph (Project Director: May 1977 to October 1990)

To support with supplementary matching funds the translation and editing of selected volumes of the "Royal Archives of New Netherland" held by the New York State Archives.

The project will edit, annotate, and translate selected volumes of the Royal Archives of New Netherland. The project will provide a major new collection of source materials for the study of early colonial life in the Middle Atlantic States. The translation will be published in a photo offset edition under the auspices of the Holland Society of New York.

Associated Products

The Dongan Papers, 1683-1688: Part 2 (Book)
Title: The Dongan Papers, 1683-1688: Part 2
Author: Christoph, Peter R.
Year: 1997
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat entry
Publisher: Syracuse: Syracuse University Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780815626244

Beverwijck: A Dutch Village on the American Frontier, 1652-1664 (Book)
Title: Beverwijck: A Dutch Village on the American Frontier, 1652-1664
Author: Christoph, Peter R.
Year: 2003
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat entry
Publisher: Albany: State University of New York Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780791460801