
Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Implementation Grants

Period of Performance

9/1/2015 - 8/31/2017

Funding Totals

$324,121.00 (approved)
$321,432.40 (awarded)

Immigrant Stories

FAIN: HK-230916-15

University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN 55455-2009)
Erika Lee (Project Director: February 2015 to July 2019)
Elizabeth Venditto (Co Project Director: July 2015 to July 2019)

Expansion of a project that engages recent immigrant and refugee communities as they create and share digital video narratives about their lives and experiences. During the implementation phase, the applicant would collaborate with national stakeholders to develop an easy-to-use, web-based framework to produce these digital stories, which would be publicly available via the Minnesota Digital Library and the Digital Public Library of America.

The Immigration History Research Center's Immigrant Stories project fosters humanities research and public dialogue around immigration by empowering recent immigrants with the tools to document, preserve, and share their experiences with the wider American public. It helps first- and second-generation immigrants and refugees create digital stories about their experiences--short personal videos with images, text, music, and audio--that are preserved and made publicly available through the IHRC Archives, the Minnesota Digital Library, and the Digital Public Library of America. Immigrant Stories uses immigrant-centered digital tools and training to expand participation in the digital humanities regardless of education, English proficiency, and access to technology. Its archive makes valuable content on contemporary immigration accessible to both humanities scholars and the broader public.

Media Coverage

Spotlight on Immigrant Stories (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Hillary Brady
Publication: Digital Public Library of America Blog
Date: 10/27/2015
Abstract: Digital Public Library of American blog post highlighting the Immigrant Stories project on the 50th anniversary of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 w

University of Minnesota's Immigrant Stories digital projects is poised to expand nationally (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Mila Koumpilova
Publication: Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Date: 9/23/2015

True Story (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Amy Sitze
Publication: University of Minnesota Foundation Magazine
Date: 1/1/2016
Abstract: Winter 2016 issue

"Telling Their Own Stories." (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Hillary Brady
Publication: CLA News
Date: 9/28/2015
Abstract: Article highlighting the Immigrant Stories project.

U celebrates 50 years of immigration (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Kellia Moeller, Hillary Brady
Publication: MN Daily
Date: 11/2/2015

Immigrant Stories: New Ways of Preserving and Teaching Immigration History (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Elizabeth Venditto
Publication: Immigration and Ethnic History Blog
Date: 6/23/2016

In their own words: After collecting its 200th story, U of M center to expand ‘Immigrant Stories’ initiative across country (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Gregg Aamot
Publication: MinnPost
Date: 9/26/2016

‘U’ Research Center Leads ‘Immigrant Stories’ Workshops In Michigan (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Associated Press
Publication: Associated Press
Date: 10/6/2017

MSU team challenges toxic stereotypes of American immigrants (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Joe Grimm
Publication: Read the Spirit
Date: 10/10/2016

Immigrant Story Archiving Project to Expand Internationally (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Frances Kai-Hwa Wang
Publication: NBC Asian America
Date: 10/11/2016

Associated Products

"Spotlight on Immigrant Stories." (Blog Post)
Title: "Spotlight on Immigrant Stories."
Author: Hillary Brade
Abstract: "Spotlight on Immigrant Stories."
Date: 10/27/2015
Primary URL:
Blog Title: DPLA Blog
Website: DPLA

“Immigrant Stories Project of the University of Minnesota” (Blog Post)
Title: “Immigrant Stories Project of the University of Minnesota”
Author: Kevin Johnson
Abstract: Story on the Immigrant Stories project.
Date: 10/02/2015
Primary URL:
Blog Title: ImmigrantProfBlog
Website: ImmigrantProfBlog

“Immigrant Stories: New Ways of Preserving and Teaching Immigration History.” (Blog Post)
Title: “Immigrant Stories: New Ways of Preserving and Teaching Immigration History.”
Author: Erika Lee
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Story describing how the Immigrant Stories project can be used in the classroom as an educational resource.
Date: 06/23/2016
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Immigration and Ethnic History Blog

Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Workshop for Minnesota Pakistani community
Date Range: 12/12/2015
Location: Minneapolis, MN

Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Digital storytelling workshop for Hmong Museum board members. Finished stories were donated to the Immigrant Stories collection
Date Range: 03/12/2016-03/13/2016
Location: Minneapolis, MN

Immigrant Stories - Lowering Barriers to Participation in Digital Storytelling (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Immigrant Stories - Lowering Barriers to Participation in Digital Storytelling
Author: Mai Y. Yang
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Author: Saengmany Ratsabout
Abstract: Presentation discussed how Immigrant Stories works with recent immigrants and refugees to create digital stories with user-friendly technology.
Date: 09/06/2015
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Sixth International Digital Storytelling Conference

Co-Creating Archives with the Public through Digital Storytelling (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Co-Creating Archives with the Public through Digital Storytelling
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Conference presentation about how Immigrant Stories works with recent immigrants and refugees to create new archives about the immigrant experience
Date: 10/23/2015
Conference Name: Immigrant America: New Immigration Histories from 1965 to 2015

“Stories for the Classroom” (Web Resource)
Title: “Stories for the Classroom”
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Resource for teachers on how to use digital stories from the collection in the classroom. Stories are curated by commonly-requested themes.
Year: 2015
Primary URL:

Additions to Immigrant Stories archive (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)
Title: Additions to Immigrant Stories archive
Author: Various
Abstract: 50 digital stories were created and donated to the Immigrant Stories archive between August 2015 and June 2016
Year: 2016
Primary URL:

Immigrant Stories: Cultural Heritage Practice in the 21st Century (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Immigrant Stories: Cultural Heritage Practice in the 21st Century
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: This public presentation discussed the Immigrant Stories as a groundbreaking, 21st century form of collecting and preserving cultural heritage. Venditto discussed the project's methodology and how other digital projects may plan for access and preservation.
Date: 9/15/16
Conference Name: Human/Ties: 50th Anniversary of the National Endowment for the Humanities Conference.

Teaching Migration History with the Immigrant Stories Project (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Teaching Migration History with the Immigrant Stories Project
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Venditto led this hour-long session on the origins of the Immigrant Stories project and its uses in the classroom, including how students may study the digital stories already in the collection, how high school and community college educators may incorporate the project into their classes, and debuted the new digital story-making website
Date: 9/23/16
Conference Name: Midwest World History Association.

Immigrant Stories for College Instructors (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Immigrant Stories for College Instructors
Author: Elizabeth Venditto and Erika Lee
Abstract: Story-making curriculum for college instructors using the Immigrant Stories website,
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Audience: Undergraduate

Immigrant Stories for English Language Learners (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Immigrant Stories for English Language Learners
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Story-making curriculum for teachers of English language learners using the Immigrant Stories website,
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Audience: Undergraduate

Immigrant Stories for High School Instructors (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Immigrant Stories for High School Instructors
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Story-making curriculum for high school teachers using the Immigrant Stories website,
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Audience: K - 12

Immigrant Stories for Public Workshops (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Immigrant Stories for Public Workshops
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Story-making curriculum for public workshop facilitators using the Immigrant Stories website,
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Audience: General Public

Innovative Formats in History Media: Immigrant Stories (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Innovative Formats in History Media: Immigrant Stories
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Remote conference presentation at the Smithsonian's History Film Forum in Washington, D.C.
Date: 03/12/17
Conference Name: 2017 History Film Forum

Immigrant Stories: a Model for Public Participation in the Digital Humanities (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Immigrant Stories: a Model for Public Participation in the Digital Humanities
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Immigrant Stories: a Model for Public Participation in the Digital Humanities
Date: 11/17/16
Conference Name: Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association

Immigrant Stories (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Immigrant Stories
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Immigrant Stories Presentation on an NEH-organized panel about NEH-funded digital projects
Date: 11/02/16
Conference Name: Annual Meeting of the Museum Computing Network

Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Remote workshop for DeAnza College in Cupertino, CA
Date Range: 12/02/17
Location: 12/02/17

Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Abstract: Two-day digital story-making workshop at the Arab American National Museum, Dearborn, MI
Date Range: 10/6-7/16
Location: Arab American National Museum, Dearborn, MI

Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Immigrant Stories Digital Storytelling Workshop
Author: Elizabeth Venditto, Erika Lee, Saengmany Ratsabout
Abstract: Two-day Immigrant Stories digital story-making workshop at the San Francisco Public Library
Date Range: 10/22-23/16
Location: San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA

Immigrant Stories Educator Training (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Immigrant Stories Educator Training
Abstract: Introduction to Immigrant Stories for Educators.
Author: Elizabeth Venditto, Erika Lee, Saengmany Ratsabout
Date: 10/21/17
Location: San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA

Immigrant Stories Educator Training (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Immigrant Stories Educator Training
Abstract: Introduction to Immigrant Stories for Educators.
Author: Elizabeth Venditto
Date: 10/5/17
Location: Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Immigrant Stories (Web Resource)
Title: Immigrant Stories
Author: Erika Lee
Abstract: Immigrant Stories is a research and archiving project run by the Immigration History Research Center (IHRC) at the University of Minnesota. Immigrant Stories helps immigrants, refugees, and their family members create digital stories: brief videos with images, text, and audio about a personal experience.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: