
Preservation and Access: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Period of Performance

5/1/2017 - 5/30/2020

Funding Totals

$262,000.00 (approved)
$262,000.00 (awarded)

Hellenistic Royal Coinage

FAIN: PW-253781-17

American Numismatic Society (New York, NY 10013-1917)
Peter Gerritt van Alfen (Project Director: July 2016 to March 2021)

Implementing Hellenistic Royal Coinage (HRC) is a three-year project that aims to publish fully online, for the first time, a major reference collection of 21,311 coins produced under Alexander the Great, the Seleucids of Syria, and the Ptolemies of Egypt between c. 336 and 30 BCE, and to create an extensive, open access, online typology of these coinages interlinked with critical, digitized archival resources held at the American Numismatic Society.

Media Coverage

The Earliest Alexander III Tetradrachm Coinage of Babylon: Iconographic Development and Chronology (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Lloyd W. H. Taylor
Publication: American Journal of Numismatics (AJN) Second Series 30
Date: 8/19/2020
Abstract: 2018 - article - subject Tetadrachm (coin) - Babylon

The Damaskos Mint of Alexander the Great (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Lloyd W. H. Taylor
Publication: American Journal of Numismatics (AJN) Second Series 29
Date: 8/19/2020
Abstract: 2017 - article - Subject Mint -- Damaskos

Editor's Q&A: Peter van Alfen (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Steve Roach
Publication: Coin World
Date: 12/6/2019
Abstract: Editor's interview with ANS Chief Curator, Peter van Alfen

Van Alfen Honored with Burnett Anderson Memorial Award (Media Coverage)
Publication: Numismatic News
Date: 2/3/2020
Abstract: On Jan. 16, 2020, the economic historian and author, Peter van Alfen, received The Burnett Anderson Memorial Award for Excellence in Numismatic Writing.

The Most Beautiful: Hellenistic Royal Coins. Selected by Peter van Alfen (Media Coverage)
Publication: CoinsWeekly
Date: 4/16/2020
Abstract: ANS Chief Curator Peter van Alfen presents his choice of the 10 most beautiful Hellenistic Royal Coins.

NEH Funds the ANS's Hellenistic Royal Coinages Project (Media Coverage)
Publication: CoinsWeekly
Date: 7/19/2017
Abstract: NEH Awarded the American Numismatic Society a substancial grant of $262,000 to fund the web-based Hellenistic Royal Coinages (HRC) project...

Long Table No. 11 Exploring the New Monogram Tools of HRC (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Peter van Alfen, Ethan Gruber
Publication: Long Table
Date: 7/17/2020
Abstract: Online conferencing meetings held on Friday afternoons hosted by the American Numismatic Society - Exploring the New Monogram Tools of HRC

An Introduction to Coin Hoards (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Peter van Alfen, Ethan Gruber
Publication: Long Table no. 14
Date: 8/7/2020
Abstract: ANS Director of Data Science Ethan Gruber and Chief Curator Peter van Alfen introduced one of the latest additions to the Hellenistic Royal Coinages suite of online resources: CoinHoards ( Based on the print publication Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards, this new resource allows users to conduct sweeping searches, complete with statistical and mapping tools and links to archival documents, of nearly 3,000 ancient Greek coin hoards.

The HRC Project and Other Online Resources at the ANS (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Peter van Alfen, Ethan Gruber
Publication: Long Table no. 2
Date: 5/8/2020
Abstract: Chief Curator Peter van Alfen and Director of Data Science Ethan Gruber, both co-directors of the Hellenistic Royal Coinages project, will host a Long Table that will discuss the various components of the project and how users might employ them. These include PELLA, Seleucid Coins Online, Ptolemaic Coins Online and the newly revised Coin Hoards site.

ANS Receives NEH Grant, Announces Fowler Memorial Lecture Presenter (Media Coverage)
Publication: CoinWeek
Date: 4/3/2017
Abstract: National Endowment for the Humanities Funds ANS Hellenistic Royal Coinages Project

Money Talks, The Future of Digitization, Part 2 (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Peter van Alfen
Publication: Money Talks
Date: 10/21/2017
Abstract: Chief Curator Dr. Peter Van Alfen discusses the implementation of digital database projects at the ANS.

Associated Products

ANS Magazine - Wishes Granted: The ANS and the NEH (Article)
Title: ANS Magazine - Wishes Granted: The ANS and the NEH
Author: Andrew Reinhard
Author: Peter van Alfen
Author: Gilles Bransbourg
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: Details all of the recent NEH-funded work being done at the ANS with a nod to the Society’s past regarding Open Access initiatives and data-sharing.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: on-line open access of the ANS Magazine article from 2017 Issue no. 2
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Pocket Change Blog of The American Numismatic Society, June 13, 2017 Free Article! “WISHES GRANTED: THE ANS AND THE NEH”
Access Model: subscription; but article is also on open access the ANS blog - Pocket Change
Format: Magazine
Format: Other
Periodical Title: Wishes Granted: The ANS and the NEH
Publisher: American Numismatic Society

The National Endowment for the Humanities Funds the ANS's Hellenistic Royal Coinages Project (Blog Post)
Title: The National Endowment for the Humanities Funds the ANS's Hellenistic Royal Coinages Project
Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: Background regarding the NEH funding and overview of the ANS's Helenistic Royal Coinages Project (HRC).
Date: 3/29/17
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Blog of The American Numismatic Society
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: main page of Pocket Change he Blog of The American Numismatic Society
Blog Title: The National Endowment for the Humanities Funds the ANS's Hellenistic Royal Coinages Project
Website: Pocket Change the Blog of The American Numismatic Society

Pella in Oxford and Paris (Blog Post)
Title: Pella in Oxford and Paris
Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: The Oxford Paris Alexander Project (OPAL) hosted a conference at New College at the University of Oxford, England, entitled "A Linked Open World: Alexander the Great, Transnational Heritage and the Semantic Web" - examining how the digital collection of data through the semantic web can assist in identifying, collecting, interpreting and preserving transnational heritage.
Date: 4/6/2017
Primary URL:
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: main page of Pocket Change the Blog of the American Numismatic Society
Blog Title: Pella in Oxford and Paris
Website: Pocket Change the Blog of The American Numismatic Society

PELLA (Web Resource)
Title: PELLA
Author: Peter van Alfen
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: An innovative research tool aiming, among other things, to provide a comprehensive typology and catalogue of the coinages struck by the Macedonian kings of the Argead dynasty (c. 700–310 BC)
Year: 2015
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: PELLA is made available under the Open Database License. Powered by Numishare. Made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Contributors to PELLA

Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: (SCO). As a component of the National Endowment for the Humanities-funded Hellenistic Royal Coinages (HRC) project, SCO aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the coinages struck by the Seleucid kings between ca. 320 BC and 64 BC, from Seleucus I to Antiochus XIII.
Year: 2018
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Launched in January 2018, the current version of SCO is based on part I of the print catalogue Seleucid Coins. The remainder of the Seleucid typology, based on part II of the print catalogue, along with the remainder of the Seleucid material in MANTIS totaling 5,281 coins, will be incorporated into SCO later in 2018. The current version of SCO includes 1,853 linked coins from six collaborating institutions within 3,080 type pages, of these 1,681 coins are from the ANS collection.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Press Release about SCO

Assembling Numismatic Data Online: Concepts, Collections, Hoards, and Statistics (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Assembling Numismatic Data Online: Concepts, Collections, Hoards, and Statistics
Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: Overview of the process of assembling and presenting on-line digital tools within the Hellenistic Royal Coinages Project
Date: 04/14/17
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Digital Antiquity Research Showcase 2017

Money Talks, The Future of Digitization, Part 2 (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Money Talks, The Future of Digitization, Part 2
Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: Money talks lecture panel Parts I, II, and III look at digitization, Linked Open Data, and Open Access of which the ANS has a global leadership role. Partnerships with the Newman Numismatic Portal, the Internet Archive, HathiTrust, the Google Cultural Institute, and other organizations continue to push the digital envelope, allowing the sharing of high-quality data and images to fellow numismatists, historians, economists, archaeologists, collectors, and more, as well as the interested public. discuss the latest advances in technology first-hand, and get a glimpse into the future of digitization of coins, catalogs, and content at the ANS and beyond.
Date: 10/21/2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: The American Numismatic Society You-Tube Channel - Dr. Peter Van Alfen discusses the implementation of digital database projects at the ANS
Conference Name: Money Talks - The Future of Digitization

annotated numismatic research notebooks authored by prominent 20th C. numismatist Edward T. Newell. (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)
Title: annotated numismatic research notebooks authored by prominent 20th C. numismatist Edward T. Newell.
Author: Edward T. Newell
Abstract: Edward T. Newell’s 45 research notebooks. 44 have been digitized and are available on the ANS’s ARCHER platform ( Ten notebooks were annotated in 2015 to link to relevant people, places, coins in the ANS collection, and hoards published on In October 2017, the high-resolution images and annotations were migrated to IIIF.
Year: 2015
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: The American Numismatic Society's Archives on-line navigation tool - ARCHER (ARCHival Electronic Resource) powered by EADitor, open source software developed by the ANS for creating, managing, and publishing collections of archival finding aids described in Encoded Archival Description (EAD) XML.
Access Model: open access

SCO-Seleucid Coins Online (V2) (Web Resource)
Title: SCO-Seleucid Coins Online (V2)
Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: SCO (v.2), launched in November, 2018, completes the type corpus incorporating material related to Seleucid Coins, Part I, covering the reigns from Seleucus I to Antiochus III (c. 320–187 BC), and the material in Part II covering the reigns from Seleucus IV to Antiochus XIII (187–64 BC) as well as the posthumous Roman imitations (63–14/13 BC).
Year: 2018
Primary URL:
Secondary URL:

PCO - Ptolemaic Coins Online (Web Resource)
Title: PCO - Ptolemaic Coins Online
Author: peter van alfen
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: As part of the National Endowment for the Humanities funded Hellenistic Royal Coinages project, Ptolemaic Coins Online (PCO) is a new research tool that will ultimately provide wide access to the coins listed in the print volumes of Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire by Catharine C. Lorber, the first attempt to provide a new, comprehensive standard typology and catalogue for the coinage produced by the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt since Ioannis Svoronos’s ?a ??µ?sµata t?? ???t??? t?? ?t??eµa??? published in 1904–1908. The print volumes of Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire will eventually appear in four parts: Volume I appeared in 2018 covering the gold and silver coinage (Part I) and bronze coinage (Part II) of Ptolemy I (r. 323–282 BC) through Ptolemy IV (r. 221–204 BC). Volume II covering the gold and silver coinage (Part I) and bronze coinage (Part II) of Ptolemy V (r. 203–181 BC) through Cleopatra VII (r. 51–30 BC) is expected to appear in print by 2020. The current version of PCO, released in December 2018, covers the coinage found in Volume I, Part I of Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire; in early 2019 PCO will be updated to include the coins found in Volume I, Part II. Subsequent updates to PCO will occur when Volume II of Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire is released.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:

Massive Update to Ptolemaic Coins Online (Blog Post)
Title: Massive Update to Ptolemaic Coins Online
Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: In 2018, the ANS launched Ptolemaic Coins Online as part of the National Endowment for the Humanities funded Hellenistic Royal Coinages (HRC) project. Ptolemaic Coins Online (PCO) is an innovative research tool that will ultimately provide wide access to the coins listed in the print volumes of Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire by Catharine C. Lorber, which was published by the ANS, the rst attempt to provide a new, comprehensive standard typology and catalogue for the coinage produced by the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt since Ioannis Svoronos’s Τα νομίσματα του κράτους των Πτολεμαίων published in 1904–1908
Date: 04/27/2020
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: American Numismatic Society Blog, Pocket Change
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Ptolemaic Coins Online --- As part of the National Endowment for the Humanities funded Hellenistic Royal Coinages project, Ptolemaic Coins Online (PCO) is a new research tool that will ultimately provide wide access to the coins listed in the print volumes of Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire by Catharine C. Lorber,

The Coinage of Philip II Now in PELLA (Blog Post)
Title: The Coinage of Philip II Now in PELLA
Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: Back in 2015, the ANS launched PELLA ( as our rst foray into creating dedicated online tools with a focus on ancient Greek numismatics, modeled on those we had already created for Roman coinage such as Online Coins of the Roman Empire. More recently, after we were awarded a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2017 for the Hellenistic Royal Coinages (HRC) project. PELLA was incorporated into HRC as one of its several components. Even as we’ve continued to build out the other components of HRC, including Seleucid Coins Online and Ptolemaic Coins Online, we’ve been working on adding new features to PELLA as well. Just this week, in fact, we finished adding to PELLA a catalogue and typology for the gold and silver coinage of Philip II.
Date: 03/24/2020
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Pocket Change is a blog of the American Numismatic Society, an organization dedicated to the study of coins, currency, medals, tokens, and related objects from all cultures, past and present.
Secondary URL:
Website: American Numismatic Society Blog - Pocket Change

Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: One of the more enigmatic aspects of ancient Greek coinage, and Hellenistic coinage in particular, are the many symbols and monograms that appear on them. Already in the early fth century BC, some coin producers, such as the exiled Samians in Zancle in Sicily, began to put letters and symbols on their coins that served functions beyond just identifying the political authority, like the abbreviated ethnic, ΑΘΕ, that appeared on early Athenian coinage identifying the Athenians as the producers of the new owl coinage.
Date: 06/08/2020
Primary URL: http://
Primary URL Description: Pocket Change is a blog of the American Numismatic Society, an organization dedicated to the study of coins, currency, medals, tokens, and related objects from all cultures, past and present.
Secondary URL:
Website: American Numismatic Society Blog - Pocket Change

Author: Peter van Alfen
Abstract: Ruling over much of Macedonia starting with Antigonus I Monophthalmus (the “One-Eyed”, r. 306–301 BC), the Antigonid dynasty of Hellenistic kings produced some of the most attractive and important coinages of the late 4 through 2 centuries BC. Curiously, however, Antigonid coinage has not attracted a great deal of concentrated scholarly attention since Edward T. Newell’s work on it roughly a century ago. That situation now is rapidly changing as a number of Greek scholars, notably Sophia Kremydi, ANS Visiting Scholar in 2009, and Katerina Panagopoulou, have offered recent monographs on the coinages of selected Antigonid dynasts. Kremydi’s 2018 volume, ‘Autonomous’ Coinage under the Late Antigonids (Melethmata 79) provides up-to-date overviews of the coinages of Philip V (r. 221–179 BC) and Perseus (r. 179–168 BC), while Panagopoulou’s about-to-be-published volume, The Early Antigonids: Coinage, Money, and the Economy (ANS 2020), looks closely at the coinage of Antigonus II Gonatas (r. 277–274; 272–239 BC). As part of this broader push to re-evaluate Antigonid coinage, we are pleased to announce the launch of Antigonid Coinage Online (AGCO).
Date: 07/22/2020
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Pocket Change is a blog of the American Numismatic Society, an organization dedicated to the study of coins, currency, medals, tokens, and related objects from all cultures, past and present.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: As part of the National Endowment of the Humanities funded Hellenistic Royal Coinages project, Antigonid Coins Online (AGCO) is a new research tool that will provide wide access to the coins listed in various print typologies of the coinages produced by the Hellenistic Antigonid dynasty (306–168 BC).
Website: American Numismatic Society Blog - Pocket Change

Linked Open Data and Hellenistic Numismatics (Article)
Title: Linked Open Data and Hellenistic Numismatics
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: Among the American Numismatic Society's collections are Greek coins - nearly 11,000 depict Alexander the Great, produced either under his authority during his lifetime or as posthumous issues for which Alexander is the stated authority. This paper will focus on these coins and their integration into the broader scholarly ecosystem for Hellenistic numismatics (including archival and library materials) through the implementation of technical Linked Open Data (LOD) methodologies.
Year: 2018
Access Model: Papers of a conference held in Oxford, England, in April 2017.
Format: Other
Periodical Title: Alexander the Great : a linked open world
Publisher: Bordeaux: Ausonius Editions

Linked Open Data for a Comprehensive Numismatic Research Platform. (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Linked Open Data for a Comprehensive Numismatic Research Platform.
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: Presented to the American Library Association's Association for Library Collections and Technical Services virtual interest group on Linked Library Data, June 8, 2020.
Date: 06/08/2020
Conference Name: American Library Association's Association for Library Collections and Technical Services virtual interest group on Linked Library Data

Hellenistic Royal Coinages (Web Resource)
Title: Hellenistic Royal Coinages
Author: Peter van Alfen
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has awarded the American Numismatic Society (ANS) a substantial grant of $262,000 to fund the web-based Hellenistic Royal Coinages (HRC) project. Under the direction of Curator Dr. Peter van Alfen and Director of Data Science Ethan Gruber, this three year project (Phase 1, planned for 2017­ - 2020) promises to radically transform the ability of students, scholars, and collectors to identify and research Hellenistic royal coinages, and to incorporate this numismatic material into broad analyses of political, economic, and social history.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: This site, the HRC Union Catalogue, allows users to search across all existing HRC type corpora simultaneously. These include: PELLA, a resource that currently focuses on the coinage in the name of Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great; Seleucid Coins Online, a resource devoted to the coinage of the Seleucid dynasty; and Ptolemaic Coins Online, a resource for the coinage of the Ptolemaic dynasty, and Antigonid Coins Online, which currently includes the coinage of Demetrius Poliorcetes. In the future we hope to add additional resources for the coinages of other Hellenistic dynasties and rulers including the Antipatrid, Attalid, and Bactrian dynasties.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Contributors to the HRC

Antigonid Coins Online (AGCO) (Web Resource)
Title: Antigonid Coins Online (AGCO)
Author: Peter van Alfen
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: As part of the National Endowment of the Humanities funded Hellenistic Royal Coinages project, Antigonid Coins Online (AGCO) is a new research tool that will provide wide access to the coins listed in various print typologies of the coinages produced by the Hellenistic Antigonid dynasty (306–168 BC).
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: AGCO is a project of the American Numismatic Society co-directed by Dr. Peter van Alfen and Ethan Gruber. The web database, based on the Numishare platform, has been developed by Ethan Gruber. Substantial work in developing AGCO has been carried out by Prof. Andrew Meadows (Oxford University). Lauren Tomanelli provided assistance in organizing material within the ANS collection and illustrating the monograms. Alan Roche is responsible for the photographs of ANS coins. At the British Museum, Martin Price, former Curator of Greek coins, was instrumental in cataloguing this material. Amelia Dowler is the British Museum's current curator of this series. Prof. Bernhard Weisser and Dr. Karsten Dahmen have catalogued the material at the Münzkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. At the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF) Caroline Carrier catalogued the Alexander types, while Simon Glenn did the same at the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford.

Coin Hoards (CH) (Web Resource)
Title: Coin Hoards (CH)
Author: Peter van Alfen
Author: Ethan Gruber
Abstract: a new web-based, linked open data tool for research in ancient Greek numismatics andancient economies.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Coin Hoards is a component of the National Endowment for the Humanities-funded Hellenistic Royal Coinages project developed by the American Numismatic Society (ANS). An innovative research resource, CoinHoards provides primary data and other information on 2,387 hoards of coins produced by Greeks and other non-Roman peoples in the Mediterranean and adjacent regions between ca. 650 and 30 BCE. In addition to a basic description, users will find on the page devoted to each hoard mapping tools for the find spot and mint(s) where the coins found in the hoard were produced, bibliographical references, and a list of the hoard contents. These tools will allow users to compare and contrast circulation patterns of coinage in various parts of the Mediterranean world over time.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Website of The American Numismatic Society. The American Numismatic Society is dedicated to the study and public appreciation of coins, currencies, medals, and other related objects. Since its founding in 1858, the ANS has assembled a permanent collection with over 800,000 objects dating from 650 BCE to the present and numismatic library, which houses approximately 100,000 books, documents, and artifacts. These resources are used to support publications of books and periodicals, lectures, academic seminars, and exhibitions.

Money Talks - An Introduction to Hellenistic Coins (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Money Talks - An Introduction to Hellenistic Coins
Abstract: the ANS's first Money Talks (lecture series) of 2019, featured an introduction to Hellenistic Greek coinage and a good look at arguably some of most beautiful coins in the collection. Touching on some of the current problems in Hellenistic numismatics and scholarship, Dr. van Alfen will used the ANS’s resources—online with Hellenistic Royal Coinages and in print with the new Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire— to help participants gain a better understanding of Hellenistic Greek coinages. [not recorded]
Author: Peter van Alfen
Date: 2/9/2019
Location: The American Numismatic Society, NYC
Primary URL: