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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
AQ-248280-16Education Programs: Enduring Questions: Pilot Course GrantsWestern Colorado UniversityNEH Enduring Questions Course on the Purpose of Art6/1/2016 - 5/31/2018$19,966.00KelseyL.Bennett   Western Colorado UniversityGunnisonCO81231-7000USA2016Comparative LiteratureEnduring Questions: Pilot Course GrantsEducation Programs19966019829.140

The development and teaching of a first-year undergraduate seminar, designed primarily for honors students, to explore the purpose of art.

This NEH Enduring Questions course delivers an open and sustained inquiry into the question, What is Art For?, across a range of historical periods and linguistic traditions. The freshman-level honors course, designed for a sixteen-week semester, is interdisciplinary in emphasis and open to students from all majors. The course develops the range of the question, What is Art For?, through a number of significant contexts that provide meaningful ways of addressing it. Each section of the course—On Truth; On Power; On Character; On Beauty and Culture—draws from among works of literature, drama, philosophy, the visual arts, music, and film that together offer a plurality of perspectives on the ways in which people throughout history have understood the purpose of art.