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Grant number like: CZ-50102-05

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 1 items in 1 pages
CZ-50102-05Challenge Programs: Special InitiativesLibrary Company of PhiladelphiaEndowing the Program in Early American Economy and Society9/1/2003 - 3/31/2008$1,000,000.00JohnC.Van Horne   Library Company of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphiaPA19107-5679USA2004U.S. HistorySpecial InitiativesChallenge Programs0100000001000000

Endowment for research fellowships, acquisitions, and staff salaries for the Program in Early American Economy and Society.

The Library Company of Philadelphia, an independent research library for the study of American history, seeks a $1 million "We the People" Challenge Grant to endow its innovative Program in Early American Economy and Society. Now in its fifth year, PEAES (the only program of its kind in the nation) is well-positioned to illuminate the economic aspects of the nation's founding, and it has already become the foremost center for scholarship in early American economic history through its publications, conferences, colloquia, fellowships, acquisitions, and website. Income from the $4-million endowment will support three essential PEAES activities: additional humanities staff, long-term research fellowships, and acquisitions.