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Grant number like: ED-*1110-78

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
ED-*1110-78Education Programs: Education Development and DemonstrationCollege of St. CatherineHumanism in an Age of Limits: A Christian Perspective8/1/1978 - 1/31/1982$141,657.00Charles Buzicky   College of St. CatherineSt. PaulMN55105-1750USA1978Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralEducation Development and DemonstrationEducation Programs1416570880790

To integrate the Christian humanist tradition into an already strong humanities curriculum at St. Catherine's. Along with three other Midwestern colleges, St. Catherine will make Christian humanism a focus of the humanities curriculum and will demonstrate the potential that a Christian humanist tradition has to offer to an age facing severe limitations on its resources.