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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
FT-53249-05Research Programs: Summer StipendsJoseph H. DyerThe Scientia Artis Musice (1274) of Hélie Salomon: Edition, Translation and Commentary5/1/2005 - 8/31/2005$5,000.00JosephH.Dyer   Boston Chapter, American Guild of Organists/The Organ LibrarBostonMA02215-1401USA2005Music History and CriticismSummer StipendsResearch Programs5000050000

During the summer Stipend period I intend to complete work on an edition and translation of the music theory treatise “Scientia artis musice” (1274), of which there is no complete modern edition. Because of the author’s distinctive, even idiosyncratic, explanations of the medieval tonal system and other aspects of music theory, an extensive commentary will be essential. The treatise contains an unpublished tonary (chants listed according to the eight ecclesiastical modes) and many references to practical music making. The outcome of the project will be a modern publication of the “Scientia.”