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Grant number like: GE-50167-09

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
GE-50167-09Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning GrantsGeorgia State University Research Foundation, Inc.Georgia Capitol History Project9/1/2009 - 6/30/2011$39,619.00TimothyJ.Crimmins   Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc.AtlantaGA30302-3999USA2009Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning GrantsPublic Programs396190396190

Planning of digital multimedia tours interpreting the social and political history of the Georgia State Capitol and its grounds within regional and national contexts.

The Georgia Capitol History Project proposes to plan for the implementation of an interpretative program that uses the Georgia State Capitol as a site for history and public memory. The grant will be used (1)to develop a series of historical narratives for digital programs that can be used to tell stories of state and national history that have taken place in the building; (2)to select a portable electronic device (PED), which can be programmed with multimedia and multi-leveled accounts of historical events and used by visitors at specific sites of history in the Capitol and on its grounds; (3)to plan a series of podcasts that do the same and can be available via cell phones and activated at sites in and around the Capitol; and (4)to plan for the addition of site-specific narratives for use in the virtual tour of the building via the Georgia Capitol web site. With an annual visitorship of 700,000, there is a large potential audience for the varied histories.