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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
HD-248360-16Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Start-Up GrantsFitchburg State UniversityScientific Workflows, Image Analysis, and Visual Stylometry in the Digital Analysis of Art6/1/2016 - 8/31/2017$40,000.00Catherine BuellWilliamP.SeeleyFitchburg State UniversityFitchburgMA01420-2697USA2016AestheticsDigital Humanities Start-Up GrantsDigital Humanities40000036710.660

The development of an alpha-level prototype for a tool that would help statistically identify artistic style, and a workshop to discuss the tool’s use and implications in the study of art history.

The goal of the project is to develop a tool for digital image analysis of paintings that is powerful enough to support advanced research in computer science, cognitive science, art history, and the philosophy of art while providing an accessible interface that can be used by researchers or students with little or no computer science background. The tool we envision will implement a broad range of digital image analysis algorithms as scientific workflows using the WINGS semantic workflow system. Scientific workflows allow users to build programs like one would draw a flowchart, dragging shapes representing data sets and image analysis procedures onto the workspace and drawing links between them. The tool can be used to promote computational literacy and data analytic skills among humanities students, introduce science students to research in art and the humanities, and help us understand how viewers perceptually categorize/recognize paintings and otherwise engage with artworks.