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Grant number like: PG-50434-08

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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
PG-50434-08Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance GrantsCenter for Wooden BoatsPreserving Smallcraft at the Center for Wooden Boats10/1/2007 - 4/30/2009$5,000.00Betsy Davis   Center for Wooden BoatsSeattleWA98109-4444USA2007U.S. HistoryPreservation Assistance GrantsPreservation and Access5000050000

Consultation with a conservator in order to prepare an institutional plan for conservation policies and procedures and to train staff in its implementation. The center maintains a collection of wooden small boats, boat models, boat plans, books and periodicals, photos, and archival materials on the maritime history of the Pacific Northwest.

The Center for Wooden Boats (CWB) is a unique maritime museum in Seattle preserving historic small wooden boats and related artifacts. In 2004, CWB's Collection Committee voted to apply for a Conservation Assessment Grant, and the resulting Conservation Assessment was completed in March 2006 by Conservator Jonathan Taggart. Over the last year, CWB has started addressing three primary recommendations from the assessment, including improving care and security of collections in storage and improving appearance and maintenance of exhibited materials and on-the-water collections. This current grant proposal requests Training and Education funding from NEH to help us complete the fourth major recommendation from the Conservation Assessment: to complete the development of policies and procedures related to the collection, defining the different categories of cultural materials within the collection and how they are to be used, maintained, preserved, documented, stored, and exhibited.