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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
RF-50008-09Research Programs: Fellowships at Digital Humanities CentersUCLA; Regents of the University of California, Los AngelesStatues of the Late Antique Roman Forum: Historical Memory and Digital Reconstruction8/1/2009 - 10/31/2010$100,800.00DianeG.Favro   UCLA; Regents of the University of California, Los AngelesLos AngelesCA90024-4201USA2009ArchitectureFellowships at Digital Humanities CentersResearch Programs10080001008000

The proposed digital project explores the issues of representing late antique memory practices by supplementing the ongoing projects at UCLA's Experiential Technologies Center, chiefly the "Digital Roman Forum." In its current form, UCLA's computer model of the Forum applies stringent archeological criteria to architectural representation. Statues and other monuments do not yet appear in the digital reconstruction, because no data indicates either the scale or the orientation of the original works. The first phase of the project will be to map the late antique statue plinths into their original display spots so as to reveal the topographical significance of their inscriptions. The second phase will be to create animated videos that focus on the location of monuments, their site lines, and their proximity to processional routes to explore how the monuments framed perceptions of architecture and topography and enriched the meanings of downtown Rome's open-air displays.