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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
RQ-50546-11Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsHaverford CollegeRecovering Lost Voices: A Digital Workshop for the Restoration of Renaissance Polyphony10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014$150,000.00Richard FreedmanPhilippe VendrixHaverford CollegeHaverfordPA19041-1392USA2011Music History and CriticismScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs15000001500000

Preparation for online publication of a critical edition of Volumes 5-11 of Nicolas Du Chemin's polyphonic (multi-voiced) song series Chansons nouvelles, and of a reconstruction of the missing voice parts in Volumes 12-16 of the same series. (24 months)

The digital environment offers much that will advance the study, teaching, and performance of early music. Focusing on a neglected but important repertory of secular polyphonic songs from mid-sixteenth-century Paris, Les Livres de Chansons nouvelles de Nicolas Du Chemin (http://ricercar.cesr.univ- puts an unprecedented range of modern editions, facsimiles, critical commentaries, and practical editorial tools before a diverse audience of modern musicians, amateurs and professionals. Prepared by the successes of our NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant (2009-2010) we now propose two additional phases of work: finishing our critical editions of some 300 polyphonic chansons while adapting our model to the new Music Encoding Initiative/Text Encoding Initiative standards, and also launching an ambitious plan to reconstruct missing voice parts for over 100 chansons from the same original series.