RZ-249825-16 | Research Programs: Collaborative Research | Northeastern University | Intertextual Networks: Reading and Citation in Women's Writing 1450-1850 | 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2020 | $290,000.00 | Julia | Hammond | Flanders | | | | Northeastern University | Boston | MA | 02115-5005 | USA | 2016 | British Literature | Collaborative Research | Research Programs | 290000 | 0 | 290000 | 0 | Research and online publications by the Women Writers Project (WWP) on the influence of reading practices on literary composition of early modern women writers.
The Women Writers Project (WWP) at Northeastern University seeks funding for a collaborative research project aimed at exploring and theorizing the representation of intertextuality, focusing on the citation and quotation practices of the female authors represented in the WWP’s digital collection, Women Writers Online (WWO). The project will cover three main activities. Members of the team will pursue research projects that contribute to our understanding of intertextuality, engaging with materials from Women Writers Online, and their outcomes will be expressed as public exhibits published in Women Writers in Context. Second, members of the team will produce a series of blog posts on intertextuality which will be synthesized as a final report on intertextuality. Finally, the WWP will extend its encoding of intertextual phenomena to represent quotations, citations, and other intertextual references in the WWO collection, with a comprehensive bibliography of referenced works. |