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Grant program: Humanities Connections Planning Grants
Date range: 2019-2022

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 69 items in 2 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 69 items in 2 pages
AKA-265585-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUrsuline CollegeCleveland Divided: Rust Belt Revival Curriculum5/1/2019 - 5/31/2020$34,586.00Katharine TrostelBari StithUrsuline CollegePepper PikeOH44124-4318USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34586029372.050

The development of a core curricular pathway and new course offerings focused on Cleveland and the Rust Belt region.

The rustbelt region is known as a place of poverty, discrimination, neglect, and population decline. Cleveland – a prototypical rustbelt city – and its inner-ring suburbs include an array of distinct neighborhoods that are historically divided by ethnicity, race, and socioeconomic status. But, Cleveland’s story is far from finished. Ursuline College’s students are the citizens who will help to write the next chapter of rustbelt revival. Ursuline seeks NEH funding to create a pathway through our core curriculum – one that focuses on the rustbelt, social solutions, and reimagining the humanities. The courses will emphasize digital skills, mapping, and storytelling to analyze the history of the region. They will contribute to public-facing student scholarship, will serve as the foundation for all undergraduate majors, and will give students the intellectual framework to engage locally with the community as problem-solvers and critical thinkers in Cleveland’s specific cultural context.

AKA-265594-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of RochesterTextual Science: A Curriculum for Cultural Heritage Recovery6/1/2019 - 5/31/2021$34,984.00GregoryG.HeyworthRoger EastonUniversity of RochesterRochesterNY14627-0001USA2019Literature, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34984029034.280

The development of curriculum and resources for a new certificate in textual science, focused on cultural heritage recovery.

How should the humanities respond to the dual threat posed by global warming and terrorism to cultural heritage worldwide? Are the imaging technologies developed to recover the Archimedes palimpsest and restore lost works to the canon enough to safeguard the future of the past? Is science alone the answer? Textual Science: A Curriculum for Cultural Heritage Recovery offers a two-fold solution. First, it defines a new discipline combining the traditional skills of the humanistic scholar – paleography, codicology, bibliography – with imaging-, material-, and computer science. Second, drawing on the traditional strengths in optics, imaging, and humanities of both the University of Rochester and Rochester Institute of Technology, whose scholars are at the forefront of cultural heritage imaging, this proposal aims to formalize a curriculum for Textual Science through a joint UR – RIT certificate program for undergraduates at the 22 institutions of the Rochester Area Colleges consortium.

AKA-265596-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsTrustees of St. Joseph's CollegeEducation for Sustainability through the Humanities6/1/2019 - 5/31/2020$34,995.00Dale BrookerChris CallawayTrustees of St. Joseph's CollegeStandishME04084-5236USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs349950349950

Planning for a sustainability-themed enhancement of four interdisciplinary courses to St. Joseph’s Core Curriculum.

Saint Joseph’s College of Maine will use Humanities Connections planning funds to complete the planning process for the Education for Sustainability Through the Humanities (ESTH) project, which will be a sustainability-themed enhancement to the Core Curriculum. The foundation for ESTH will be development of four interdisciplinary courses as follows: 1) Ethics in Professional Nursing, 2) Justice, Law, Punishment, and Consequences, 3) Dystopian Fiction, and 4) Markets, Development, and Freedom. To support implementation of these courses, we will develop a professional development (PD) plan for delivery of PD opportunities that will guide faculty in exploring best practices in collaborative and interdisciplinary pedagogy focused on the humanities. As a liberal arts college, we emphasize the humanities, especially in our Core Curriculum. We also challenge our students to explore the elements that contribute to sustainable societies, and the proposed ESTH courses will reflect this effort.

AKA-265629-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsCollege of St. BenedictHumanities in Action Honors Program5/1/2019 - 11/30/2020$34,944.00ElisabethM.WenglerEmily EschCollege of St. BenedictSt. JosephMN56374-2099USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34944034210.380

Planning for a five-course interdisciplinary Honors Program curriculum, “Humanities in Action.”

Humanities in Action (HIA) is a five-course honors curriculum which places the skills and values cultivated by the humanities at the center of student learning. We are seeking funding to develop and integrate two key features of HIA: interdisciplinary team-taught courses and a culminating experiential learning component. The interdisciplinary courses examine scientific, social scientific, and mathematical knowledge and reasoning in specific social and cultural contexts to illustrate how these factors complicate the acquisition and application of “objective” results. Armed with this knowledge and the tools and skills of different disciplines, students will design and operationalize experiential learning projects for the Humanities in Action capstone. During the planning year, a diverse team of faculty and staff will design team-taught interdisciplinary courses, develop experiential learning and leadership modules, and design a community-engagement capstone.

AKA-265633-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsGeorgetown UniversityCreating a Collaborative Medical Humanities Major9/1/2019 - 2/28/2021$35,000.00Daniel MarchalikRicardoL.OrtizGeorgetown UniversityWashingtonDC20057-0001USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000034452.220

The development of a new medical humanities major for undergraduates at Georgetown University.

Humanities are declining in universities and medical schools across the country. To address this issue, our proposal aims to establish a new medical humanities major through collaboration between Georgetown University School of Medicine and the main University Campus. With the help of a planning committee and experts in the field, we will work to identify key players involved in medical humanities instruction at both campuses and to identify existing coursework that can serve to fulfill the medical humanities major. We will also identify gaps in current course offerings in order to work toward establishing new courses. With increased cross-campus collaboration we anticipate more guest lecturing, joint curriculum planning, student mentorship, and cross-campus course offerings. This project would help make humanities more relevant to undergraduate students interested in the sciences. We estimate that this program could attract 45 students a year (180 students per 4 year cycle).

AKA-265666-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsTrustees of Roanoke CollegeA Liberal Arts Approach to an Archaeological Curriculum7/1/2019 - 6/30/2021$35,000.00LeslieAWarden   Trustees of Roanoke CollegeSalemVA24153-3794USA2019ArchaeologyHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000021593.270

The development of an interdisciplinary archaeological curriculum incorporating skills and perspectives from humanities and the sciences.

This proposal seeks to create an interdisciplinary archaeological curriculum at Roanoke College that will focus on the skillsets needed for understanding and working with the archaeological past. During a planning year, we will create a curriculum that explores the archaeological intersections in the disciplines of Art History, History, Anthropology, Biology, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, and Statistics; we expect to create a minor or certificate in Archaeology. A committee of nine faculty members from six different disciplines will work together on lectures and exercises for archaeology classes, create new syllabi or restructure old ones, and meet with outside consultants. A key element of our work will be to design a field school using our on-campus archaeological site, Monterey House, to train students in excavation and analysis. We plan to place successful exercises and, once implemented, our curriculum online for other colleges and universities to use as a model.

AKA-265670-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of ScrantonA Health Humanities Concentration and Community-Based Learning5/1/2019 - 4/30/2020$34,958.00Ana UgarteBillieR.TadrosUniversity of ScrantonScrantonPA18510-2429USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34958027509.440

The development of a Health Humanities concentration at the University of Scranton.

This application proposes a Humanities Connections Planning Grant to fund the development of a new Health Humanities concentration at The University of Scranton. This concentration will emphasize the integral role of the humanities in shaping and transforming healthcare, health, and well-being. It aims not only at providing a more comprehensive education to the students enrolled in the programs for the health professions, but also seeks to develop new pedagogical practices informed by interdisciplinarity, community-based learning, and diversity and intercultural competence. These three interrelated areas of focus will guide the development of the concentration, with the support of institutional and community partners who have already expressed their interest and needs in relation to such a program, such as the Office for Community-Based Learning, the Leahy Community Health and Family Center, the Humanities Initiative, and the Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions Programs.

AKA-265680-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of Wisconsin, SuperiorCritical Civic Engagement: A UW-Superior Cross-Disciplinary Initiative5/1/2019 - 4/30/2020$35,000.00Jayson IwenLynn GoerdtUniversity of Wisconsin, SuperiorSuperiorWI54880USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs350000350000

Planning for a new interdisciplinary major in Critical Civic Engagement.

The small size of our campus means that declining enrollment trends seen throughout higher education are magnified. While our commitment to the humanities remains undiminished, we recognize the need to adjust our approach to teaching and learning in light of new realities. With expertise drawn from a range of disciplines we intend to design a major in Critical Civic Engagement (CCE). This will be carried out by a cross-disciplinary team of faculty and academic leaders. CCE presents our vision for a program that purposefully integrates the humanities and social sciences. CCE will equip students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to tackle complex issues. Through this planning grant we will focus on the development of CCE including the identification of courses, learning outcomes, and program objectives. The goal will be to develop a framework for CCE and a plan to move it through the appropriate processes for approval. This project will run from 05/01/19-04/30/20.

AKA-265689-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsHofstra UniversityA Global-Local Health Initiative8/1/2019 - 3/31/2021$35,000.00Katrina SimsCraigM.DaltonHofstra UniversityHempsteadNY11549-1000USA2019History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and MedicineHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs350000350000

Development of a cluster of three undergraduate courses to bring the humanities into dialogue with health sciences.

Faculty at Hofstra University propose to develop an innovative cluster of undergraduate courses – “Immigrant and Refugee Health,” “History of Disease and Medicine,” and “Geography of Global Health” – examining how global processes, both geographical and historical, connect to local health issues in immigrant communities on Long Island. The word “glocal” in our title refers to global knowledge within a local context. One of the hallmarks of our cluster will be experiential learning and a close collaboration with local community partners such as The Hispanic Counseling Center and SHALI. Additionally, the project connects cultural and humanities programs including Latin and Caribbean Studies, Global Studies, American Studies, LGBTQ+ Studies, Sustainability Studies as well as history, geography and health.

AKA-265701-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsMichigan Technological UniversityA Human-Centered Engineering Initiative8/1/2019 - 7/30/2020$34,999.00MarikaA.SeigelMary RaberMichigan Technological UniversityHoughtonMI49931-1200USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs349990349990

The development of three new interdisciplinary courses for a minor in human-centered engineering.

Michigan Technological University requests funding to spearhead a new Human-Centered Engineering Initiative. The purpose of this curricular initiative--which includes developing three new courses and a minor in Human-Centered Engineering--is to meaningfully integrate humanistic and technical inquiry; highlight the importance of humanistic inquiry to students in engineering disciplines; and expand the role of the Humanities at the institution. During the planning grant period, faculty from the Department of Humanities, College of Engineering, and Pavlis Honors College will collaborate to research, develop, and propose three interdisciplinary courses that will form the core of a new Human-Centered Engineering minor at Michigan Tech. These courses -- “Empathy,” “Creativity,” and “Innovation” -- will each focus on a key component of the design process, exploring connections and differences between humanistic and engineering perspectives.

AKA-265705-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsArizona State UniversityArtificial Intelligence in Digital Culture5/1/2019 - 10/31/2020$34,999.00Suren JayasuriyaEdward FinnArizona State UniversityTempeAZ85281-3670USA2019Literature, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs349990349990

A one-year curriculum development project on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

This project aims to foster a transdisciplinary environment where humanities and STEM students can think critically, engage, and interact with technical and social constructions of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and systems. At Arizona State University in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering (AME), we already offer a unique B.A. in Digital Culture. This grant will support the design of an undergraduate curriculum specialized track for our Digital Culture B.A. focused on humanistic and socio-cultural engagement with AI. This track will feature a core set of classes with complementary domain knowledge that we anticipate including, What Algorithms Want?; Science Fiction; Foundational Representations for AI; Creativity and Responsibility; and Speculative Futures for AI.

AKA-265737-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsSeton Hall UniversityA Business Humanities Initiative6/1/2019 - 4/30/2020$30,237.00Abe ZakhemElizabethA.McCreaSeton Hall UniversitySouth OrangeNJ07079-2697USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs30237029814.50

A one-year curriculum development project on the integration of the humanities and business.

The Seton Hall University College of Arts and Sciences and Stillman School of Business are committed to breaking down the false divides between the humanities and business through a collaborative Business Humanities Initiative which will integrate philosophical, spiritual, historical, literary and business perspectives into the curriculum. The project will: identify interdisciplinary working groups; design a faculty development and certification program; investigate curriculum exemplars; conduct student surveys/focus groups to gauge interest; create a plan to integrate humanities into the existing business curriculum, including the development of experientially oriented case studies; outline curriculum, learning outcomes and an assessment plan for a proposed undergraduate Certificate in Business Humanities; and create a syllabus, course description, learning outcomes, experiential component and assessment process for a new business humanities capstone course for the Certificate.

AKA-265738-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsBergen Community CollegeCriminal Justice-Humanities Connections5/1/2019 - 4/30/2021$35,000.00Eileen FitzgeraldRichard KuitersBergen Community CollegeParamusNJ07652-1504USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs350000350000

The development of a new community college program connecting the humanities and criminal justice.

Next year marks the 60th anniversary of C. P. Snow’s notable essay “Two Cultures,” in which he laments the divide between vita activa and vita contemplativa, the active life of a scientist and the contemplative life of a humanist. The Division of Humanities at Bergen Community College seeks to accomplish what Snow and many others have advocated: to advance society by bridging activa and contemplativa. Through the interdisciplinary efforts of the Criminal Justice and Humanities departments at the College, courses integrating the content, competencies, and methodologies of the humanities and criminal justice will foster a future law enforcement that has a greater understanding of the narratives of the communities they serve and with stronger critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills.

AKA-265741-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsWest Virginia Wesleyan CollegeAppalachian Humanities and Sciences: A Holistic Approach to Regional Studies6/1/2019 - 5/31/2020$34,976.00Katharine AntoliniSusan RiceWest Virginia Wesleyan CollegeBuckhannonWV26201-2600USA2019Area StudiesHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34976031735.430

Planning for an interdisciplinary minor in Appalachian studies.

Located in the heart of Rural Appalachia, West Virginia Wesleyan College wishes to construct a multifaceted Appalachian Studies minor program. This program will cultivate the essential avenue for Humanities and Non-Humanities disciplines to truly work in tandem towards the goal of a historical, political, cultural, social, economic and scientific assessment of a common question, "What defines Appalachia and is there truly an 'otherness' to the region?" The opportunity to pursue an Interdisciplinary minor will equip students with the tools to enhance self-awareness and contextualize the past, present and potential future of Appalachia within a national and global setting.

AKA-265758-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of Wisconsin, WhitewaterA Water-Humanities Integration Project9/1/2019 - 8/31/2022$34,908.00Prajakti BhattacharyyaMarjorie RhineUniversity of Wisconsin, WhitewaterWhitewaterWI53190-1705USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs349080349080

Planning for an interdisciplinary general education pathway focused on the study of fresh water.

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (UW-W) and the College of Integrated Studies (CIS) request funds to enhance and augment an existing sequence of core courses to provide a thematic curricular pathway in the undergraduate, general education curriculum. The Water-Humanities Integration Project (WHIP) will connect the humanities more intentionally with social and natural sciences to examine the importance of freshwater in Wisconsin and elsewhere. WHIP will develop team-taught courses that include course-based, experiential learning opportunities in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences at UW-W and the CIS. The CIS recently merged with UW-W; this project will foster more intentional ties between the two campuses and help create a more seamless transfer experience. New courses, including a domestic travel-study, will be developed.

AKA-265761-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUCLA; Regents of the University of California, Los AngelesNew Directions in Middle East Learning5/1/2019 - 4/30/2020$35,000.00Ali Behdad   UCLA; Regents of the University of California, Los AngelesLos AngelesCA90024-4201USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000034975.30

A one-year project aimed at developing a freshman-level interdisciplinary course sequence on the Middle East and North Africa.

A faculty team from the departments of Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Islamic Studies, Law, and Sociology will transform UCLA's pedagogy on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) by creating a multidisciplinary freshman course sequence exploring MENA cultures through diverse humanistic perspectives. The team-taught sequence, offered annually, will incorporate two terms of lecture courses followed by a term of experiential learning in the MENA communities of Los Angeles. The planning phase will explore methods and topics for a sequence that highlights the Middle East's rich cultural and religious traditions, histories, and literary and artistic practices. The product of this planning phase will be a detailed proposal to UCLA's Governance Committee for course approval, after which our team will establish working relationships with the course's assigned staff from the library, the writing program, and experiential learning partners.

AKA-265769-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsTexas Tech UniversityHumanities-Driven STEM: A New Paradigm for the Liberal Arts9/1/2019 - 12/31/2022$34,999.00John CarrellAlizaS.WongTexas Tech UniversityLubbockTX79409-0006USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs349990349990

The development of a humanities-driven undergraduate STEM program.

While STEM has made room for STEAM (with the Arts) or STREM (with Reading) or STEMM (with music), the humanities remain still only a subtle presence in STEM education. What if we were to flip this paradigm? What if, instead of only "timbre-ing" STEM, the humanities were to drive its communication, its approach? This project implements a humanities driven STEM (HDSTEM) program in the TTU Honors College that includes 1) a First Year Experience team-taught course that introduces students in their first semester to the idea that the humanities are the impetus for human innovation; 2) a sustained program of HDSTEM courses that shape the chosen majors of students; 3) co-curricular workshops and lectures that put interdisciplinarity into action; and 4) a Summit Experience team-taught course that challenges students at the end of their 4 years to appreciate the interrelatedness of disciplines and the complexity of problems using the vocabulary and the grammar of the humanities.

AKA-265772-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of Texas Rio Grande ValleyAn Interdisciplinary Public Heritage Curriculum for the Rio Grande Valley5/1/2019 - 8/31/2021$33,255.00Sarah RoweJuan GonzalezUniversity of Texas Rio Grande ValleyEdinburgTX78539-2909USA2019AnthropologyHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs33255033053.570

Planning for a new interdisciplinary major in Public Heritage.

Faculty at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) seek support from NEH to develop a new, interdisciplinary bachelor degree (a BAIS) in Public Heritage that combines elements of traditional public history, cultural heritage studies, and museum studies programs and moves substantially beyond any of them. The proposed Public Heritage BAIS has two primary foci, Bilingual, Bicultural, Border Heritage and Integrated Cultural and Natural Heritage Landscapes. These foci build on the strengths of current faculty teaching and research activities across multiple disciplines, as well as existing experiential learning and institutional partnerships in the region. An NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant will support a yearlong process during which the faculty committee will consult with external scholars and local collaborating institutional to finalize the design, structure, content, and expected student learning outcomes for the Public Heritage BAIS.

AKA-265792-19Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsMarlboro CollegeDesigning a New “Data Humanist” Certificate Program7/1/2019 - 6/30/2020$30,400.00AdamJosephFranklin-LyonsMatt OllisMarlboro CollegeMarlboroVT05344-9888USA2019Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs304000304000

The development of a new data humanist certificate program combining data science with humanities analysis and research.

Marlboro College requests funds to design and implement a new Data Humanist Certificate program. The certificate will require students to take a series of courses that combine data science and humanities methods of analysis and research, culminating in capstone projects that will connect groups of students with local organizations and government bodies. The coursework will require two courses each from the data sciences (statistics, programming, or other equivalent courses), a humanities course in one of our two intellectual pathways (history of exploration, migration and refugees, environmental philosophy), and finally two “Bridge” courses that will be team taught by a faculty member in the sciences with a faculty member from the humanities. The capstone projects will all involve a range of skills drawn from the coursework but directed at problems and questions of importance to people in Southern Vermont.

AKA-270015-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsKansas Newman CollegeEmphasis in Technology and Human Values Program6/1/2020 - 5/31/2021$35,000.00Cheryl GoldenJamey FindlingKansas Newman CollegeWichitaKS67213-2084USA2020Philosophy, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs350000338960

The development of a new Emphasis in Technology and Human Values program integrating humanities study into pre-professional pathways.

Newman University proposes an NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant to develop a new Emphasis in Technology and Human Values (ETHV) to address a pressing need in higher education today. Mounting evidence demonstrates that the humanities are no longer seen as vital to a university education. At the same time, the accelerating pace of technological change threatens the values needed to sustain a thriving human community. NU’s Emphasis in Technology and Human Values will address both of these concerns by offering a technology-focused integration of the humanities with some of our most popular programs. Emphasizing interdisciplinary course design, hands-on learning, and civic engagement, the ETHV will provide Newman with an innovative curricular model for introducing humanities-based skills, content, and modes of inquiry into a broad range of disciplines.

AKA-270024-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of MississippiEnvironmental Literacy and Engagement in North Mississippi6/1/2020 - 5/31/2022$34,891.00Ann Fisher-WirthJason HoeksemaUniversity of MississippiUniversityMS38677-1848USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34891026704.450

Planning for the redesign of a minor in environmental studies.

The proposed project will enhance environmental literacy and engagement in northern Mississippi by accomplishing two major objectives. First, we will replace the two currently required courses for our Environmental Studies minor with an interdisciplinary two-semester sequence, ENVS 101 and 102, which will blend humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences to teach seven major areas of inquiry:1) environmental history, 2) sustainability, 3) biodiversity, 4) environmental justice, 5) food, 6) water, and 7) human-nature connections. Second, we will develop a roster of capstone internships for Environmental Studies minors (ENVS 385) that will allow experiential and service learning opportunities. We intend the internship requirement to serve as a gateway experience out of the minor and into the world beyond the university, giving our students an empowering look at how the application of our curriculum can help build more vibrant ecosystems, communities, and careers.

AKA-270043-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of RochesterThe Humanities and the Study of the Future: Creating a Minor in Futures Studies6/1/2020 - 5/31/2022$35,000.00WilliamH.Bridges   University of RochesterRochesterNY14627-0001USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000025768.130

A one-year planning grant to create a minor and three-course cluster in future studies.

The University of Rochester (UR) seeks NEH support to develop a minor, a cluster (a 3-course sequence), and experiential learning activities in humanistic futures studies. Two critical ideas drive the project: that the ability to think well about the future should be foundational to undergraduate education, and that the texts and habits of mind cultivated by the humanities are invaluable facilitators of futuristic inquiry. Home to the Futures Studies Research Circle and the Rochester College Consortium, a regional confederation of 22 IHEs whereby students may take courses at any member college, the UR program will be a national model for undergraduate futures studies in the humanities. The planning grant will achieve these 5 outcomes: 1) design curriculum and courses; 2) obtain approval of the minor and cluster; 3) identify additional community collaborators for the experiential learning components; 4) recruit additional faculty aligned with the topic; and 5) begin to recruit students.

AKA-270097-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsVanderbilt UniversityBuilding Scientist Citizens: Integrating the Humanities in the Communication of Science and Technology6/1/2020 - 5/31/2023$33,375.00Bonnie DowDavidW.WrightVanderbilt UniversityNashvilleTN37203-2416USA2020Composition and RhetoricHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs333750333750

Faculty and curriculum development to create new core courses for an undergraduate program in communication of science and technology.

Vanderbilt University proposes a Humanities Connections planning grant in order to revise the curriculum for our Communication of Science and Technology (CSET) undergraduate program. The revision’s goal is the creation of a core curriculum for the CSET major comprised of courses that integrate humanistic approaches to science communication. Vanderbilt’s CSET program is unique in that it serves students with a strong background in science and it is designed to provide them with the humanistic knowledge and skills to communicate effectively about scientific issues with diverse publics. However, CSET currently only has one fully integrated core course, the introduction to the major. Our goal of creating a core curriculum of 3-4 courses that integrate humanistic modes of thinking with an education in science will enable more effective communication with audiences beyond the scientific arena, potentially influencing public opinion and public policy related to science-based issues.

AKA-270126-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of St. FrancisUniversity of St. Francis Pathways First-Year Curriculum6/1/2020 - 5/31/2021$34,999.00DanielC.Hauser   University of St. FrancisJolietIL60435-6169USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34999026484.510

The development of a new Pathways curriculum that would connect humanities offerings with a wide range of interdisciplinary courses, for incoming freshmen.

This Humanities Connections Planning Grant will allow University of St. Francis (USF) faculty and administration to develop a program that shows students the links between the humanities and other disciplines, increases their achievement outcomes, and develops skills employers are looking for while enhancing the vital role of the humanities at USF. This Planning Grant will refocus general education requirements to include four different Pathways representing USF’s four guiding values: Service, Respect, Compassion and Integrity. Each Pathway will require a total of 6 courses (existing, revised, and new options) that are thematically linked with experiential and service learning components. Faculty in disciplines including philosophy, history, theology, business and health administration, economics, and education will play a role in this project. Benchmarks are set for this planning project and upon implementation all incoming freshmen will participate in the Pathways program.

AKA-270131-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsSalisbury UniversityR.E.A.C.H. Initiative: Integrating Community and Curricular Ethics6/1/2020 - 5/31/2021$34,861.00Timothy StockMicheleM.SchlehoferSalisbury UniversitySalisburyMD21801-6837USA2020EthicsHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34861032313.720

The development of an Ethics Across the Curriculum project to integrate ethics into professional training and to extend the reach of humanities programs into the community.

The humanities are at the center of a needful rethinking of the purpose of undergraduate education at our institution, as well as the public mission of state-assisted universities. Our proposal brings together, via a slate of new curricular and co-curricular resources focused on Ethics, ethics literacy and ethics agency. The project proposes two major elements of institutional revision: (i) Curriculum change aimed at harmonizing professional training with early exposure to philosophical and research ethics, and (ii) Integration of community ethics and instructional ethics curriculum. This grant will support the necessary planning to create a community ethics network, a program to support faculty via ethics across the curriculum faculty seminars, and planning the establishment of a public ethics resource center to be an anchoring partner between community-based organizations and university faculty and students.

AKA-270132-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of ConnecticutConnections Digital and Historical: The Digital Public History Minor at the University of Connecticut6/1/2020 - 5/31/2021$35,000.00Tom ScheinfeldtFiona VernalUniversity of ConnecticutStorrsCT06269-9000USA2020History, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000034211.730

A one-year planning grant to develop a minor in digital public history.

The University of Connecticut requests $35,000 to undertake a one-year planning process toward the launch of a Digital Public History Minor. The new minor will be a led by the Department of History in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Department of Digital Media and Design (DMD) in the School of Fine Arts. It will be housed in and administered by Greenhouse Studios (, an interdisciplinary digital humanities incubator that is a collaboration between these units and the University Library. Combining core course offerings in History and DMD with a set of joint course offerings in digital humanities that bridge the two disciplines with experiential learning opportunities in partner organizations throughout Connecticut, the Digital Public History Minor will give students the technical skills, content area knowledge, and collaborative working styles that will help them succeed in the 21st century economy.

AKA-270135-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of Wisconsin, Eau ClaireIntegrative Health Humanities Certificate6/1/2020 - 5/31/2022$35,000.00Louisa RiceJulieA.AndersonUniversity of Wisconsin, Eau ClaireEau ClaireWI54701-4811USA2020History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and MedicineHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000031613.140

The development of a Health Humanities Certificate that combines an interdisciplinary curriculum with experiential education.

This proposal seeks NEH funding to plan a Health Humanities Certificate at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. This interdisciplinary program will engage three humanities departments as well as the Departments of Psychology, Social Work, and the Institute for Health Sciences. Its integrated curriculum will require students to take a core course, Humanities, Health, and Society, and engage in an experiential practice, including collaborative research and internship opportunities. The objective for this interdisciplinary certificate is threefold: 1) to respond to student need in health related majors for humanities perspectives and pedagogies; 2) to provide students in the humanities with the opportunity to connect their expertise to health science pedagogies and experiential learning; and 3) to serve as a sustainable model for humanities-centered, interdisciplinary programs that fulfill UW- Eau Claire’s goal of ensuring student success through integrative, experiential education.

AKA-270141-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsPurdue UniversityIntegrating the Humanities and Global Engineering6/1/2020 - 5/31/2022$35,000.00Lori CzerwioknaEricA.NaumanPurdue UniversityWest LafayetteIN47907-2040USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000032451.480

A curricular development project integrating the humanities with global engineering through an expanded program of language and cultural study.

This project expands the role of humanities in undergraduate education at Purdue by integrating language and cultural studies with global engineering. The project has four initiatives, an engineering design course linking engineering and cultural analyses, a research course in which students use a second language and apply humanistic-engineering skills in an internship abroad, a speaker series and associated hands-on academic activities that join cross-disciplinary programs, and a redesign of both pre- and post-internship abroad workshops based on our framework. Purdue, a world leader in engineering education and well-known for cross disciplinary humanities programs, is the ideal institution to highlight the professional and societal value of the humanities. This project will give students a unique set of analytical skills, shape the future practices of global engineering industries, and impact the broader society that will benefit from culturally-relevant engineering solutions.

AKA-270151-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsWashington State UniversityPalouse Matters: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum6/1/2020 - 5/31/2022$34,309.00Jolie Kaytes   Washington State UniversityPullmanWA99164-0001USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs343090343090

Planning for an interdisciplinary pathway that would integrate courses on the region into the university’s core curriculum.

“Palouse Matters” proposes a general-education humanities course pathway at Washington State University that explores the complex relationships between people and place in the Palouse: a globally-significant, scenic, and complicated environment. Team-developed and interdisciplinary, Palouse Matters encourages students to read the university’s regional terrain as a rich and contested landscape of beauty, imbalance, transformation, and injustice. Along with augmenting current general education offerings with place-based learning opportunities, Palouse Matters provides hands-on opportunities for field study, civic engagement, and public presentations. Ultimately, the Palouse Matters program will facilitate deep understandings of seemingly incongruous subjects and the relationships among the personal, global, and local, helping students prepare for a lifelong commitment to any community and region.

AKA-270153-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsSaint Elizabeth UniversityInterdisciplinary Minor and Certificate in Environmental Ethics6/1/2020 - 5/31/2021$30,687.00RyanPatrickMcLaughlin   Saint Elizabeth UniversityMorristownNJ07960-6923USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs306870306870

Planning of a minor and certificate in environmental ethics that combines interdisciplinary study of humanities and the natural sciences with experiential learning.

The College of Saint Elizabeth proposes the development of a minor and certificate in Environmental Ethics with an interdisciplinary curriculum of study in the humanities and the natural sciences. The one-year planning phase will produce a comprehensive proposal for the program to be reviewed, approved, and implemented for students to enroll in the 2021-2022 academic year.

AKA-270156-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsNortheastern UniversityTowards a Digital Health Humanities Curriculum: Tools and Strategies9/1/2020 - 12/31/2021$35,000.00Sari AltschulerChristopherM.ParsonsNortheastern UniversityBostonMA02115-5005USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000024287.120

The development of a digital health humanities curriculum for undergraduates.

We propose to develop a curriculum that prepares students both to address the social and cultural aspects of the data-heavy medicine of the future and to be alert to the significant ethical issues it raises. To do so, we are applying to develop an innovative curriculum in the digital health humanities at Northeastern University. This planning grant will allow us to pursue three avenues to enrich and expand the footprint of the health humanities on our campus: new classes, open-access modules, and experiential education opportunities. In so doing, we will build our curriculum in directions that prepare students to address current and future issues in an increasingly digitized healthcare.

AKA-270192-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsMisericordia UniversityEnvironmental Humanities Curriculum7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021$33,964.00Melanie ShepherdCosima WieseMisericordia UniversityDallasPA18612-7752USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs339640339640

Planning for a new interdisciplinary major and minor in environmental studies with a specific humanities focus.

The College of Arts and Sciences at MU will create a curricular project that expands the role of the humanities by addressing crucial environmental topics from the perspectives of multiple humanities disciplines as well as those of the natural sciences in collaboration with a community partner. Specifically, we will create a curriculum that allows students to: 1) develop an appreciation for the philosophical and ethical dimensions of environmentalism, and to the various meanings of the idea of nature, 2) cultivate an understanding of the natural environment that is shaped by evolutionary history, human history and pre-history, the history of environmental advocacy, 3) demonstrate the scientific, geographical, and socio-economic literacy necessary to analyze an environmental situation, and 4) construct and apply a framework for understanding environmental challenges from a multi- and inter-disciplinary perspective.

AKA-270241-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity System of New HampshireApplied Visual Literacy6/1/2020 - 5/31/2022$34,443.00Sarah Parrish   University System of New HampshirePlymouthNH03264-1595USA2020History, Criticism, and Theory of the ArtsHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34443030981.680

A one-year planning grant to develop interdisciplinary courses integrating art history with other disciplines.

The new Applied Visual Literacy curriculum at Plymouth State University will exploit the interdisciplinary potential of the field of Art History by exploding the chronological and geographic format of the conventional curriculum into a suite of thematic courses that bring together faculty and students from multiple disciplines. Integrating visual literacy into science and pre-preprofessional programs will enable all students to actively participate in the visual culture of the 21st century.

AKA-279329-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsNew College of FloridaBuilding an Interdisciplinary Concentration in Health, Culture, and Societies6/1/2021 - 8/31/2022$34,988.00MiriamL.Wallace   New College of FloridaSarasotaFL34243-2146USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs349880349880

A one-year planning grant to enhance an interdisciplinary concentration in health, culture and society.

In a time of what some are calling a “double pandemic” of both a novel virus and ongoing disparities exacerbated by race, our understanding of health and wellness, illness and disease and their social intersections is entering a new era—one for which humanistic concerns are essential. New College of Florida has just launched an interdisciplinary Health, Culture, and Societies (HCS) “joint-disciplinary concentration” that bridges not only academic disciplines in scientific and humanistic fields, but also academic study and practical experience in the form of community engagement and professional internships. This new program responds to both an emerging field and to the need for a structured approach to an area of high student interest and community need.

AKA-279353-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsAugustana CollegeMinor in Integrative Medicine and the Humanities6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022$34,966.00Heidi StorlBrian LeechAugustana CollegeRock IslandIL61201-2210USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34966031174.750

A one-year planning grant to create a minor in integrative medicine and the humanities.

Augustana College proposes a new minor in integrative medicine and the humanities, which will primarily serve the large number of Augustana undergraduates who pursue pre-professional degrees in health care fields. The new minor will (1) deeply integrate humanities content to nurture the ethical, emotional, spiritual, and social skills necessary to prepare individuals to serve as effective, caring health practitioners after graduation, and (2) establish and formalize a new internship program focused on ethics and community outreach with UnityPoint Health, a large regional health care provider. The project’s interdisciplinary planning team will engage in discussions and participate in professional development about integrative medicine and medical/health humanities; identify the courses that need to be revised or created for the minor; obtain approval for the new minor; and strengthen the relationship with UnityPoint Health.

AKA-279356-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsJohnson and Wales UniversityMedical and Health Humanities: Creating a New Minor6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022$33,822.00Ann KordasDorothy AbramJohnson and Wales UniversityProvidenceRI02903-3703USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs33822026172.740

A one-year planning grant to develop an interdisciplinary minor in medical and health humanities. 

Johnson & Wales University seeks NEH support to develop an interdisciplinary minor in Medical and Health Humanities (MHH) that will enhance undergraduate health education while infusing humanities content and practices into the curriculum, demonstrating to undergraduates the real-world applications of the humanities. Medical and health humanities is a growing field, and there is mounting evidence that education in the humanities not only helps students to develop valuable skills in critical thinking and analysis, problem solving, and communication, but also increases their familiarity with culturally diverse approaches to disease and healthcare, encouraging the development of empathy. Through the MHH minor, JWU will better prepare students for health-related careers and ultimately, to deliver patient-centered, humanistic healthcare. The grant outcomes will help create future programming that integrates instruction in the humanities with professionally-focused subject matter.

AKA-279358-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsSiena Heights CollegeHumanities-Based Diversity and Inclusion: Creating a Certificate Program6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022$34,958.00Leland HarperMatthew RipperSiena Heights CollegeAdrianMI49221-1755USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34958034905.210

A one-year planning grant to create a diversity and inclusion certificate.

Siena Heights University (SHU) proposes an NEH Connections planning grant entitled “Diversity and Inclusion: Creating a New Online Certificate Program at Siena Heights University” (“D&I”). D&I will be an interdisciplinary program between the Philosophy Department, English Department, History Department, Ethnic and Gender Studies Institute, and Business and Management Division (BAM). The program will be designed for students with interests in attainting a Diversity and Inclusion certificate in addition to their pursued degree at the undergraduate level. The goal of the planning grant is to provide the foundation for SHU to design a new, coherent D&I certificate program at SHU that is qualitatively distinct from the D&I certificates offered at other institutions and which can be offered in either online or blended/hybrid formats.

AKA-279368-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of Texas, ArlingtonRevising the Certificate in Medical Humanities6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022$34,999.00Sonia KaniaGrace BrannonUniversity of Texas, ArlingtonArlingtonTX76019-9800USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs349990349990

A one-year planning grant to revise an existing certificate program in medical humanities.

Revising the Certificate in Medical Humanities is a project led by a multidisciplinary cohort from the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Nursing and Health Innovation at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). Our goal through this project is to strengthen the medical humanities certificate and to expand it to include a more broadly-termed health, humanities, and society initiative. Using the existing certificate as a springboard, we seek to further bridge the artificial divide between the humanities, social sciences, arts, and health professions with the following aims: 1) Formalize and expand an interdisciplinary advisory cohort centering on health, humanities, and society at UTA; 2) Critically assess the curriculum in medical humanities at UTA to identify new integrative learning opportunities for students; and 3) Establish dynamic communication and partnerships with the Dallas-Fort Worth community to provide experiential learning activities for undergraduate students.

AKA-279369-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsEl Paso Community CollegeHUM-STEM: Redefining Experiential Curriculum for First-Year Students6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022$34,669.00Margie Nelson RodriguezFan ChenEl Paso Community CollegeEl PasoTX79915-1914USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs346690346690

A one-year planning grant linking humanities and STEM fields through a summer bridge program, experiential learning, and courses in English, biology, and mathematics.

El Paso Community College (EPCC) requests funds to plan HUM-STEM: Redefining Experiential Curriculum for First-Year Students. The curriculum will serve to connect and engage students in the humanities and STEM. This project will build upon existing institutional efforts to incorporate project-based learning into courses, particularly in the STEM areas, but will uniquely infuse humanities-based curriculum and practices, connecting two important academic realms that can nurture and build upon each other. The project will also feature authentic interdisciplinary collaboration and experiential learning opportunities that expose students to the richness, rigor, and vitality of the humanities in three disciplines: English, Biology, and Mathematics. These opportunities will bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experiences for students and will provide an incubator for faculty to learn and research the impact on students and their learning.

AKA-279393-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsNazareth College of RochesterStrengthening the Core Curriculum: Integrative Learning Through the Humanities7/1/2021 - 6/30/2023$35,000.00Kelly Hutchinson-Anderson   Nazareth College of RochesterRochesterNY14618-3790USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs350000350000

A one-year planning grant to develop and pilot team-taught interdisciplinary courses in the general education curriculum.

Nazareth College proposes a $35,000 NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant to promote Strengthening the Core Curriculum: Integrative Learning through the Humanities that will allow us to plan for and pilot the creation of team-taught integrated, multidisciplinary upper-level courses that combine the humanities with the sciences, arts, and other professional fields. The challenge grant will allow us to address two concerns related to higher education, the lack of purposeful integration of learning by students, and students' declining enrollment in humanities courses. Strengthening the core by creating multi and interdisciplinary courses incorporating the humanities will address these concerns.

AKA-279394-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsClarkson UniversityConnecting Values with Scientific Innovation: Developing a Bioethics Minor4/1/2021 - 3/31/2024$35,000.00PaulJ.CumminsDarrylL.ScrivenClarkson UniversityPotsdamNY13676-1401USA2021EthicsHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs350000350000

A one-year planning grant to develop a new interdisciplinary bioethics minor. 

Clarkson University proposes an NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant to develop a new interdisciplinary Bioethics minor. Social trends have led to increased emphasis on STEM and profession-oriented education and a devaluation of the humanities. Despite this, the country is poised for a renewed appreciation of the humanities’ relevance. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised urgent issues of human value in scientific research and health care: ensuring integrity in research; distributing scarce resources now (ventilators) and in the future (vaccines); maintaining trust in public institutions to affect public health; striking a balance between economic and health need. There is an acute need to integrate ethics training into STEM and Pre-health professions majors. A Bioethics minor would respond to this need and prepare students to reason about the intricate connections between human values and science, which have been brought to the fore by the COVID-19 health crisis.

AKA-279417-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsAlcorn State UniversityThe Book of Nature: Teaching Scholarly and Popular Science Writing through Field Research in Mycology9/1/2021 - 3/31/2023$35,000.00LoganCarrolWiedenfeld   Alcorn State UniversityLormanMS39096-7510USA2021Composition and RhetoricHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs350000350000

A one-year planning grant to develop a science writing curriculum.

This project will plan a curriculum in which the instruction of science writing, both popular and scholarly, is integrated organically into a field mycology and myco-cultivation courses. With collaboration from the Departments of English, Biology, and Agriculture and Applied Sciences, the planning committee will fashion at least two courses, one in biology and one in agriculture and applied sciences, that employ experiential learning, including the collection of specimens in the field and the cataloguing of these specimens in a student-led herbarium, in order to better prepare students to be effective and versatile writers in their fields. The final project of these courses would involve contributions to an Alcorn-affiliated and student-led website that offers amateur-oriented descriptions of the fungi of western Mississippi and easy-to-follow instructions on how to cultivate safe edible mushrooms that grow wild in western Mississippi.

AKA-279429-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsVirginia TechDeveloping a Humanities-Focused Food Studies Minor6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022$34,993.00Anna ZeideMarkV.BarrowVirginia TechBlacksburgVA24061-2000USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34993034818.340

A one-year planning grant to develop new courses in food studies and create a food studies minor.

Virginia Tech proposes a new humanities-focused food studies minor that brings the insights and methods of the liberal arts to the critical study of foodways and food systems. The minor requirements will include a new Introduction to Food Studies course; electives from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences; one-credit hands-on courses, and a capstone course with an experiential learning component. We will begin the planning grant period by holding a workshop guided by directors of other food studies programs. Over the course of the year, the planning committee will continue monthly virtual discussions with these consultants and others as we craft collaborative course proposals and the minor proposal. By the end of the year we will have submitted paperwork for the new courses and minor, created a plan for recruiting students, and developed a shared community around these aims.

AKA-279432-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsSUNY Research Foundation, AlbanyBuilding the Study of History into Professional Programs7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022$34,981.00RyanMichaelIrwin   SUNY Research Foundation, AlbanyAlbanyNY12222-0001USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34981030413.380

A one-year planning project integrating the study of history into undergraduate professional programs in in homeland security, informatics, and public health.

The University at Albany, SUNY, seeks planning support to expand the role of history in its undergraduate curriculum. By integrating historical methodology and scholarship into the university’s professional programs in homeland security, informatics, and public health, the proposed project will grow the history major and foster historically informed, technology-enhanced learning across the university. Support allows us to develop a new general education course that brings historical context to the study of contemporary issues; implement “Common Problems Pedagogy” course pairings that bring students in history and non-humanities courses together with community groups to address issues of pressing concern; add history courses to electives counted toward majors in professional programs and encourage dual majors; expand interdisciplinary undergraduate research symposia; and share resources, training, and technology across disciplines to enhance active, participatory learning.

AKA-279453-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsWestern New England CollegeInterdisciplinary Ethics Training for Students in the Biosciences6/1/2021 - 12/31/2022$34,989.36Devina Jaiswal   Western New England CollegeSpringfieldMA01119-2612USA2021EthicsHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34989.36034755.960

A one-year planning grant to develop an ethics certificate program for students in the biosciences. 

Member of the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Engineering at WNEU are requesting support for the development of a program for interdisciplinary ethics education for students in the biosciences. There are three components to our proposed initiative: (1) the development of a Certificate Program in Ethics of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, (2) the development of service learning opportunities for students in the biosciences (i.e. the contribution of ethical analyses of case studies to the curriculum), and (3) the development of cross-college faculty collaborations in teaching and research.

AKA-279458-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsJuniata CollegeHumanities Explorations of Rural Poverty and Place: Fostering Narrative Imagination and Civic Curiosity5/1/2021 - 4/30/2022$34,936.24AmandaM.PageTerrita PooleJuniata CollegeHuntingdonPA16652-2119USA2021American StudiesHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34936.240349360

A one-year planning grant to develop a humanities-centered interdisciplinary program in rural poverty studies.

Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA requests funding for a NEH planning grant for “Humanities Explorations of Rural Poverty and Place: Fostering Narrative Imagination and Civic Curiosity.” With this project, Juniata will complete the planning process for the creation of the Rural Poverty Studies (RPS) program rooted in humanities traditions. The goal is to utilize study in the humanities to help students better understand structural poverty and its impacts on the lives of people in rural settings. The program centers on how the humanities inspire curiosity about the causes and effects of rural poverty to help students imagine ways to make the world a better place. Historically, urban poverty dominates the field, but recently attention is given to how poverty manifests itself in the specificity of rural places. Comparative studies will explore rural poverty in the regions of central Pennsylvania served by the historic East Broad Top Railroad, and the Black Belt region of rural Alabama.

AKA-279461-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsUniversity of Tennessee, KnoxvilleDesigning a Humanistic Computing Curriculum6/1/2021 - 5/31/2022$35,000.00AmyJ.EliasHilaryChristineHavensUniversity of Tennessee, KnoxvilleKnoxvilleTN37916-3801USA2021Media StudiesHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000033572.660

Planning a humanistic computing curriculum integrating the humanities and computer science.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville faculty Project Co-Directors Amy Elias (Humanities Center Director and English), Hilary Havens (English), and Amir Sadovnik (Computer Science) will develop new undergraduate courses in “humanistic computing” that bridge the humanities and the computing sciences and bring together computing science skills; humanities pedagogy and habits of inquiry; and experiential-learning opportunities with community partners in East Tennessee, campus partners, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory partners. This grant will fund two workshops and a year of monthly planning activities for a cohort of UTK faculty and community organizations working to define these classes for the UTK General Education curriculum as well as for a future minor in Humanities Computing. Open to all students, classes will be interdisciplinary and include critical cultural analysis of digital media and computers; skills training in computer programs; and engaged learning course projects.

AKA-279473-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsCalifornia State University San Marcos CorporationHumanities General Education: A Pathway in Philosophy for Engineering Majors5/1/2021 - 4/30/2022$34,714.00Michael McDuffieAllison MerrickCalifornia State University San Marcos CorporationSan MarcosCA92096-0001USA2021EthicsHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34714033858.040

Planning a general education curriculum pathway in philosophy for students enrolled in engineering degree programs.

California State University San Marcos seeks a Planning grant to design a Humanities General Education pathway for undergraduate Engineering majors. The pathway will consist largely of coursework in Philosophy and will be supplemented by a program of co-curricular events, gatherings, and student engagements. Philosophy courses will be redesigned explicitly to address topics and issues of relevance to engineering as a professional field and social enterprise. The curriculum will focus on the ethical and social dimensions of engineering as a human enterprise. A team of colleagues from Philosophy and Engineering will integrate topics of relevance to engineering within Philosophy GE courses; explore the feasibility of first-year student learning communities; and outline a program of co-curricular events and activities, featuring lectures, films, and panel discussions that will include in-service professional engineers as guest speakers.

AKA-279485-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsNevada State CollegeIntercultural Competency Concentration: Humanities Across the Curriculum8/1/2021 - 1/31/2023$34,406.00Molly Appel   Nevada State CollegeHendersonNV89002-9776USA2021Ethnic StudiesHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs34406034063.590

A one-year planning grant to develop an undergraduate concentration in intercultural competency for students across the liberal arts and professional programs in nursing, business, and education.

Nevada State College (NSC) seeks support from the NEH to develop an Intercultural Competency Concentration that will enable all undergraduate students at NSC, regardless of their degree program, to purposefully build their intercultural knowledge and self-efficacy in their fields of study and workplaces. The support of the NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant will enable NSC’s humanities faculty to collaborate with faculty from our degree programs with a pre-professional focus (e.g., business, education, and nursing) to develop a cohesive learning community that spans our three Schools, but is also tailored to work with the specific needs of each degree program. The one-year planning phase (2021-2022) will produce a comprehensive proposal for the Intercultural Competency Concentration, to be reviewed by the NSC Faculty Senate and Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents during the 2022-2023 school year.

AKA-279494-21Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsRegents of the University of California, DavisGroundswell at the Intersection of STEM and Humanities6/1/2021 - 6/30/2023$33,505.00Archana VenkatesanJ.DavidFurlowRegents of the University of California, DavisDavisCA95618-6153USA2021Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs33505028432.70

A one-year planning grant to develop and pilot a two-quarter sequence of co-taught interdisciplinary courses for first-year honors students.

This proposal for an NEH Humanities Connections planning grant aims to build meaningful collaborations by beginning with the self-selected and very motivated faculty and students involved in the UC Davis University Honors Program (UHP) and those affiliated with the UC Davis Humanities Institute (DHI). An excellent opportunity therefore exists to pilot and expand deeper connections between STEM and humanities disciplinary approaches and pedagogy around the greatest challenges of our time, beginning with a first-year common curriculum developed through the University Honors Program.