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Organization name: American Library Association

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 71 items in 2 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 71 items in 2 pages
AO-10085-70Agency-wide Projects: Program Development/Planning GrantsALAGoals of Public Service1/1/1971 - 12/31/1972$12,096.00Gerald Born   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1970Library ScienceProgram Development/Planning GrantsAgency-wide Projects012096012096

No project description available

AO-10265-75Agency-wide Projects: Program Development/Planning GrantsALAPreparation and Distirbution of Lists of Notable Sources for the American Issues Forum1/1/1975 - 12/31/1975$224,593.00Donald Stewart   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1974Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralProgram Development/Planning GrantsAgency-wide Projects22459302245930

To provide professional and administrative costs for the preparation of two annotated reading lists that will contribute to the national dialogue anticipated under the American Issues Forum. One list will be designed for the 8-13 age group and one for the general reader/high school age and older.

BA-50004-08Education Programs: Picturing AmericaALAPicturing America11/1/2007 - 10/31/2011$3,465,265.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2007Arts, GeneralPicturing AmericaEducation Programs3465265032365330

No project description available

BB-50001-03Public Programs: Bookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeopleALAWe the People Bookshelf8/1/2003 - 1/31/2005$376,428.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2003History, GeneralBookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeoplePublic Programs37642803764280

No project description available

BB-50003-04Public Programs: Bookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeopleALAWe the People Bookshelf: Freedom2/1/2004 - 8/31/2006$513,776.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2004U.S. HistoryBookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeoplePublic Programs51377605137760

No project description available

BB-50005-05Public Programs: Bookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeopleALAWe the People Bookshelf: Becoming American6/1/2005 - 8/31/2007$749,053.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2005American LiteratureBookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeoplePublic Programs74905307490530

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BB-50007-06Public Programs: Bookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeopleALAWe the People Bookshelf: The Pursuit of Happiness6/1/2006 - 7/31/2008$686,762.00MaryDavisFournier   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2006U.S. HistoryBookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeoplePublic Programs68676206867620

No project description available

BB-50009-07Public Programs: Bookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeopleALAWe the People Bookshelf: Created Equal6/1/2007 - 1/31/2010$1,448,814.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2007American LiteratureBookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeoplePublic Programs1448814012434630

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BB-50012-08Public Programs: Bookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeopleALAWe the People Bookshelf: Picturing America6/30/2008 - 7/31/2010$1,576,748.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2008U.S. HistoryBookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeoplePublic Programs1576748015767480

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BB-50014-09Public Programs: Bookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeopleALAWe the People Bookshelf: A More Perfect Union3/1/2009 - 7/31/2011$1,590,655.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2009U.S. HistoryBookshelf Cooperative Agreement, We the PeoplePublic Programs1590655015906550

No project description available

CH-20939-03Challenge Programs: Challenge GrantsALACultural Communities Fund12/1/2001 - 7/31/2009$350,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2002Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralChallenge GrantsChallenge Programs03500000319330

Endowment for humanities scholars to provide on-going training and consultation for libraries' programming staff.

GA-226522-14Public Programs: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)ALALatino Americans Cooperative Agreement to Support Public Programming on the Topic of Latino American History and Culture8/1/2014 - 10/31/2015$249,378.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2014Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralCooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)Public Programs24937802493780

To support the design and planning of public programming on the topic of Latino American history and culture.

GA-230096-15Public Programs: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)ALABridging Cultures: Latino Americans, Implementation Phase2/1/2015 - 2/28/2017$1,484,032.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2014 Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)Public Programs1484032014721380

To support the implementation of public programming on the topic of Latino American history and culture.

GA-276338-20Public Programs: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)ALASupport for Library Humanities Programming in the Covid Era6/15/2020 - 8/31/2021$300,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2020Literature, GeneralCooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)Public Programs30000002781080

Retention of nine staff members of the American Library Association’s Public Programming Office.

The American Library Association’s (ALA) Public Programs Office (PPO) requests $300,000 in NEH CARES relief funding to support continued efforts in four key areas for work: professional development and peer-sharing; development of future humanities projects; professional recognition; and measurement and evaluation. ALA PPO’s nine-person staff collaborates with librarians, humanities scholars, artists and documentarians, scientists and financial literacy experts, museums, and others to create and scale nationwide programming opportunities, grants, and traveling exhibitions for U.S. libraries, and to offer professional development, recognition, and research that supports the vital work of programming librarians. NEH CARES support will help ALA continue serving libraries and librarians, sustaining and growing their efforts to provide humanities programming and content during this critical time and on the other side of the COVID-19 crisis.

GD-*0201-78Public Programs: Public Programs Special Projects (GD)ALAHumanities Education Through Public Libr aries12/1/1977 - 2/28/1979$20,000.00Mary Jo Lynch   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1977Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralPublic Programs Special Projects (GD)Public Programs200000200000

No project description available

GD-*1319-78Public Programs: Public Programs Special Projects (GD)ALAHumanities Education Through Public Libr aries: Courses By Newspaper3/1/1979 - 12/31/1980$200,000.00Peggy O'Donnell   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1978Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralPublic Programs Special Projects (GD)Public Programs2000000199349.020

No project description available

GE-50346-10Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning GrantsALALet's Talk About It: The Legacy of the Civil War3/1/2010 - 4/30/2011$27,990.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2010U.S. HistoryAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning GrantsPublic Programs279900279900

No project description available

GG-278256-21Public Programs: Humanities DiscussionsALALet’s Talk About It: Women’s Suffrage6/1/2021 - 6/30/2023$249,999.00Samantha Oakley   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2021U.S. HistoryHumanities DiscussionsPublic Programs24999902499990

Resources and training for a nationwide reading and discussion program focused on the history of suffrage and its aftermath.

The American Library Association requests a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Public Humanities Projects grant in the amount of $249,999 to implement a Let’s Talk About It (LTAI): Women’s Suffrage humanities discussion project corresponding to NEH’s “A More Perfect Union” special initiative. On August 18, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, which prohibited the government from denying a citizen the right to vote on the basis of sex. As the country celebrates the 100th anniversary of this landmark amendment, it is surprising how many Americans know very little about this milestone in the nation’s history. It is important that we highlight the decades of struggle, resistance, and demonstration by the women’s suffrage movement leading up to the ratification so communities may better appreciate and understand the lasting impact it has had on the nation. This project will engage communities across the nation in critical reflection and discussion on the movement.

GG-285480-22Public Programs: Humanities DiscussionsALAThe Great Stories Club: Reading and Discussion for At-Risk Youth11/1/2022 - 8/31/2024$213,546.00Brian Russell   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2022Literature, OtherHumanities DiscussionsPublic Programs21354602135460

Implementation of a nationwide program to support reading and discussion groups for at-risk teens at small local libraries.

The Great Stories Club is a thematic reading and discussion program developed to connect librarians with at-risk youth in their communities through literature-based outreach.

GI-228350-15Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsALAThe Great Stories Club: Reading and Discussion for At-Risk Youth5/1/2015 - 11/30/2017$435,004.00Lainie Castle   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2015Literature, GeneralAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsPublic Programs43500404349790

Implementation of a series of three-part thematic reading and discussion programs for at-risk and underserved teens.

"The Great Stories Club" is a thematic reading and discussion program developed to reach at-risk youth through literature-based library outreach programs. The GSC will introduce teens and others facing difficult circumstances to accessible and appealing books selected by scholars with a special interest in reaching the underserved; facilitate in-depth exploration of humanities themes that will resonate with reluctant readers also struggling with complex issues like incarceration, violence, poverty, and addiction; and connect participants to a proven, highly successful national program model first launched by ALA in 2006. Participants will explore themes of civic engagement in an age of mass media, the role of creative arts in dealing with change and transformation, and the origins of teenage violence and suicide through novels, memoirs, and non-fiction books as well as training opportunities developed by humanities scholars and programming librarians.

GI-50186-10Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsALALouisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women: Library Outreach Programs4/1/2010 - 9/30/2012$185,000.00SusanE.Brandehoff   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2010American LiteratureAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsPublic Programs18500001687840

Reading, viewing, and discussion programs at 30 libraries examining themes in 19th-century American history and literature, built around a documentary film and companion biography of author Louisa May Alcott.

The American Library Association, in association with Nancy Porter Productions, Inc., proposes to develop innovative library outreach programs to enhance the impact of the documentary film, Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women, a co-production of Nancy Porter Productions, Inc. and American Masters (THIRTEEN for, and the companion biography of the same name written by Harriet Reisen and published by Henry Holt and Company. Thirty selected libraries will present five different reading, viewing and discussion programs to support the film and biography. Libraries will enlist a lead project scholar with expertise in 19th-century American history or literature to help plan and present programs. Libraries will have access to a web site and a Site Support Notebook containing an array of interpretive materials.

GI-50542-13Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsALADust, Drought, and Dreams Gone Dry: A Traveling Exhibit and Public Programs for Libraries about the Dust Bowl5/1/2013 - 6/30/2016$293,000.00Melanie Welch   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA2013U.S. HistoryAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsPublic Programs29300002771600

Implementation of a traveling exhibition and public programs for 25 libraries examining the history and impact of the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.

In collaboration with the libraries of Oklahoma State University (OSU) and Mount Holyoke College, the American Library Association proposes a traveling exhibit and public programs for 40 libraries examining the history and legacy of the Dust Bowl. The project spotlights Ken Burns' film "The Dust Bowl," and brings to public view 2 little known Dust Bowl archives: online oral history interviews of Dust Bowl survivors at OSU, and letters and essays of Caroline Henderson, a Mount Holyoke alumna who farmed in Oklahoma throughout the Dust Bowl. Libraries will display the exhibit for 6 weeks and present at least 3 public humanities programs from a list provided. The project humanities themes include the interaction between humans and nature; the different ways human beings respond to adversity; and how people living in the Dust Bowl tried to understand their social, economic, and ecological environment. Cultural expressions of the Dust Bowl, such as Woody Guthrie's music, are also addressed.

GL-*2189-81Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAHumanities Public Programming10/1/1981 - 5/31/1982$39,987.00ShirleyM.Mills-Fischer   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1981Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs399870353370

To support two West Coast conferences for public librarians, to explain the goals, policies and divisions of NEH, especially the Library Humanities Projects program, and how public libraries can work with the Endowment.

GL-*2207-81Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAHumanities Programs for Academic Libraries10/1/1981 - 4/30/1982$67,293.00JulieA.Virgo   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1981Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs672930454370

To support two conferences designed to make academic librarians aware of the goals, policies and divisions of NEH, especially the Library Humanities program, and to acquaint them with the techniques of program development for the general public in academic libraries.

GL-20194-82Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAHumanities Programs for Academic Libraries8/1/1982 - 7/31/1983$62,423.00JulieA.Virgo   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1982Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs62423055213.120

To support two conferences designed to make academic librarians aware of the goals, policies and divisions of NEH, especially the Library Humanities Program and to acquaint them with the techniques of program development for thegeneral public in academic libraries.

GL-20524-83Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALALet's Talk About It: Reading and Discussion Programs in America's Libraries10/1/1983 - 11/30/1991$1,585,689.00Peggy Barber   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1983Literature, GeneralHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs1585689015849890

To support an NEH project which brings together out-of-school adults and and scholars for reading and discussion programs in libraries across the nation.

GL-20531-83Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAHumanities Programs for the Public (Technical Assistance)9/1/1983 - 10/31/1988$354,616.00JoAnS.Segal   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1983Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs35461603507430

To support workshops that will assist scholars and librarians in developing public humanities programs in libraries.

GL-20611-85Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALACensorship and Libraries: A Traveling Exhibition1/1/1985 - 10/31/1987$122,998.00JudithF.Krug   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1984Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs12299801229980

To support a nationwide tour of a portion of an exhibition, originally funded by NEH at the New York Public Library, entitled "Censorship: 500 Years of Conflict."

GL-20616-85Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALALibrary Programming in the Humanities for Young Adults10/1/1985 - 11/30/1991$544,568.00EvelynF.Shaevel   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1985Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs54456803172840

To support two regional workshops for librarians and scholars in order to enhance the intellectual approach to the design and implementation of educational programs in the humanities for young adults.

GL-20661-85Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAIFLA Conference Plenary Program6/1/1985 - 3/31/1986$15,000.00Vartan Gregorian   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1985Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs150000150000

To support honoraria for speakers at the plenary session of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions' conference on the theme "Libraries and the Universal Availability of Information."

GL-20703-86Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAAre we to be a Nation? A Traveling Exhibition in Celebration of the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution1/1/1987 - 9/30/1988$270,172.00Peggy Barber   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1986U.S. HistoryHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs27017202701720

To support a tour of three facsimiles of the New York Public Library's exhibition on the drafting and ratification of the U.S. Constitution. The exhibition would travel to 30 sites over an 18-month period and would include interpretive programs and educational packages.

GL-20815-88Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAVoices and Visions: Reading, Viewing, and Discussion Programs in America's Libraries5/1/1988 - 11/30/1991$358,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1988Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs35800003504530

To support a series of programs about the work and lives of 13 American poets.

GL-20850-88Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAPrinting and the French Revolution10/1/1988 - 5/31/1991$374,839.00Peggy Barber   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1988Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs37483903743030

To support a traveling exhibition, interpretive materials, and reading and discussion programs on the history and significance of the French Revolution.

GL-20851-88Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAPromoting Humanities Programming in Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Their Communities9/1/1988 - 8/31/1989$37,963.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1988Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs379630331520

To support a workshop for librarians and scholars at historically black colleges and universities that will assist them in planning and conducting humanities programs for the general public.

GL-20925-89Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALASeeds of Change5/1/1989 - 5/31/1991$46,097.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1989History, GeneralHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs460970460750

To support the planning of a traveling version of "Seeds of Change," a major exhibition on the Columbian Quincentenary that is being planned by the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History.

GL-20941-89Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALATo Make All Laws: The Congress of the United States10/1/1989 - 11/30/1991$269,325.00Peggy Barber   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1989American GovernmentHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs26932502466930

To support a traveling panel exhibition and educational materials about the history of the U.S. Congress.

GL-20985-90Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAVoices and Visions: Reading, Viewing and Discussion Programs in America's Libraries5/1/1990 - 11/30/1991$190,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1990Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs1700002000017000015406

To support a nationwide series of programs at sites in 25 states about the workand lives of 13 major American poets.

GL-20987-90Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALASeeds of Change - a Traveling Exhibition5/1/1990 - 12/31/1994$515,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1990Library ScienceHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs40000011500040000049765

To support four traveling panel exhibitions and educational programs on the impact of Old World and New World cultures following the voyages of Columbus. The exhibitions will appear at 60 sites over a period of two years.

GL-21022-90Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALABrave New Worlds: Reading and Discussion Programs in America's Libraries10/1/1990 - 3/31/1993$275,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1990History, GeneralHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs27500002749960

To support reading and discussion programs in libraries throughout the nation, using themes and selected readings developed for the Columbian Quincentenary.

GL-21096-91Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALANew World, Ancient Texts: The Cultural Impact of the Encounter - A Traveling Exhibition10/1/1991 - 12/31/1993$311,460.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1991European HistoryHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs31146003114590

To support a traveling panel exhibition and promotional and programmatic material about the transforming effects of the Columbian voyages upon European thought.

GL-21151-92Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAA More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution4/1/1992 - 6/30/1993$40,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1992U.S. HistoryHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs400000399690

To support planning for a traveling panel exhibition about the constitutional implications of the Japanese-American internment during World War II.

GL-21224-93Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAThe Many Realms of King Arthur10/1/1993 - 8/31/1998$460,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1993Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs435000250004350002000

To support a traveling exhibition with catalogue, a reading and discussion theme unit, a videotape, curriculum guide, and site personnel training about the evolution of the Arthurian legend in literature, history, and the arts.

GL-21254-94Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALARural America: The Images and the Reality1/1/1994 - 8/31/1995$33,664.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1993Rural StudiesHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs336640333310

To support the planning of reading, viewing, and discussion programs in libraries throughout the United States on images of rural life in America.

GL-21259-94Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALABeyond Category: The Musical Genius of Duke Ellington5/1/1994 - 4/30/1997$220,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1994U.S. HistoryHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs210000100002100000

To support a national tour of panel exhibitions about the life and times of Duke Ellington, 1899-1974.

GL-21294-94Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAA More Perfect Union, Japanese Internment during World War II: Traveling Exhibition10/1/1994 - 12/31/1998$390,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1994U.S. HistoryHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs340000500003398720

To support a traveling exhibition with catalog, videodisk, site training, reading and discussion theme units, and curricular materials about the Japanese-American internment during World War II.

GL-21329-94Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAPlanning for a National Conversation7/1/1994 - 8/31/1995$30,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1994Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs300000300000

To support planning of reading and discussion programs about American pluralism and values for use in the nation's libraries.

GL-21337-95Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAExploring the West: Whose West?3/1/1995 - 3/31/1999$583,114.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1995American StudiesHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs558114250005495890

No project description available

GL-21368-95Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAThe Nation That Works: Conversations on American Pluralism and Identity10/1/1995 - 8/31/1998$383,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1995American StudiesHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs373000100003730000

To support more than 100 conversations at sites in at least 20 states using thevalues and beliefs Americans have about work as an organizing principle to examine American values in general.

GL-21414-96Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAStoryLines America: a radio/library partnership exploring our regional literature9/1/1996 - 2/28/1998$400,000.00Deborah Robertson   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1996American LiteratureHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs390000100003900000

To support a series of reading and discussion programs about regionalism and American identity via talk show radio broadcasts and at libraries in the South-west (AZ, CO, NM, TX, and UT) and the Northwest (ID, MT, OR, and WA).

GL-21442-97Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesALAThe Jazz Age in Paris: A Traveling Exhibition to Libraries9/1/1997 - 12/31/2002$280,545.00SusanE.Brandehoff   ALAChicagoIL60611-2729USA1997Music History and CriticismHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs260545200002605450

To support the creation of an exhibition that would travel to 30 libraries, adapted from an existing Smithsonian exhibition on Europe's early jazz movement.