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Organization name: Library of America

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 16 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 16 items in 1 pages
GD-*0110-79Public Programs: Public Programs Special Projects (GD)Library of AmericaPlanning for the Literary Classics of the United States Series11/1/1978 - 5/31/1979$17,500.00Daniel Aaron   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA1978Literature, GeneralPublic Programs Special Projects (GD)Public Programs175000175000

To publish a durable paperback edition of American classics.

To pubish a durable paperbook edition of American classics.

GD-*1238-79Public Programs: Public Programs Special Projects (GD)Library of AmericaProduction of a Series of Books to Represent the Literary Classics of the United States9/1/1979 - 6/30/1983$1,200,000.00Cheryl Hurley   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA1979Literature, GeneralPublic Programs Special Projects (GD)Public Programs1200000012000000

To produce a series of books containing U.S. literary classics which are out ofprint.

To make American literature available to the widest possible readership. To produce a uniform series of volumes, ultimately to include the central texts of American literature. The series will be offered to the public at a subsidized price.

GG-287616-22Public Programs: Humanities DiscussionsLibrary of America400 Years of Latino Poetry5/1/2023 - 4/30/2025$849,449.00Max Rudin   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2022Latin American LiteratureHumanities DiscussionsPublic Programs84944908494490

A national series of public programs tied to the release of an anthology of Latino poetry.

Library of America, in partnership with the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures, plans 400 YEARS OF LATINO POETRY, a national public humanities initiative comprising a groundbreaking published anthology; public programs and conversations with literary scholars, poets, and historians; and a website featuring a permanent digital archive of teaching and learning resources.

GI-235149-16Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsLibrary of AmericaWorld War I: A Centennial Exploration Through the Words of Americans Who Lived It4/1/2016 - 6/30/2019$550,000.00Max Rudin   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2016U.S. HistoryAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsPublic Programs55000005500000

Implementation of nationwide library programs, a traveling exhibition, a website, and a publication of an anthology exploring how World War I reshaped American lives.

The Library of America requests a grant in the amount of $702,345 in partial support of World War I: A Centennial Exploration Through the Words of Americans Who Lived It, a major national program marking the centenary of the country’s entry into the war in 1917. The project has two related objectives. The first is to bring members of the veteran community together with the general public to explore the transformative impact of the First World War by learning about, reading, discussing, and sharing insights into the writings of Americans from diverse backgrounds who experienced it first-hand. The second objective is to develop, curate, and make permanently and widely available an annotated narrative collection of firsthand American World War I writings in print and ebook form that will encourage exploration and discussion of the war’s meanings and resonances long after the centennial is over.  

GI-50059-09Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsLibrary of AmericaLincoln in American Memory7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009$299,750.00Max Rudin   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2008U.S. HistoryAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsPublic Programs29975002997500

Implementation of a book, a public programming resource, and a website, all designed to encourage exploration of the ongoing meaning and uses of Abraham Lincoln's legacy in American history, society, and culture.

The Library of America requests a grant in the amount of $299,750 in partial support of Lincoln in American Memory (to borrow a title from Merrill Peterson's authoritative study): a book, a public programming resource, and a website, all designed to encourage exploration of the ongoing meaning and uses of Abraham Lincoln's legacy in American history, society, and culture. Organized to mark the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth in February 2009, Lincoln in American Memory will complement other projects organized to commemorate the bicentennial, including traveling exhibitions and public programming initiatives supported by NEH, for which our project would provide a unique and indispensable resource. The project is designed to make the Lincoln Bicentennial an even more significant and substantive occasion for public conversation.

GI-50416-12Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsLibrary of AmericaCivil War 150: Exploring the War and its Meaning Through the Words of Those Who Lived It4/1/2012 - 3/31/2015$625,000.00Max Rudin   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2012U.S. HistoryAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation GrantsPublic Programs62500006250000

Implementation of a multiformat project that would encourage public exploration of the transformative impact and contested meanings of the Civil War through the words of a wide variety of first-hand participants.

The Library of America requests a grant in the amount of $686,367 in partial support of "Civil War 150," a major national program designed to encourage public exploration of the transformative impact and contested meanings of the Civil War through the words of a wide variety of first-hand participants.

GL-20717-86Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesLibrary of AmericaThe Complete Plays of Eugene O'Neill: A Proposal to Publish a Three-Volume Complete Edition in the Library of America10/1/1986 - 12/31/1988$160,000.00Daniel Aaron   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA1986American LiteratureHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs16000001600000

To support the scholarly and editorial expenses for the first complete and authoritative edition of the plays of Eugene O'Neill. The three-volume set willconform to the textual, editorial, and manufacturing standards established for all Library of America publications.

GL-20934-89Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesLibrary of AmericaTHE LIBRARY OF AMERICAN LIVES A proposal for a new series of autobiographical & biographical writings11/1/1989 - 11/30/1990$72,200.00Cheryl Hurley   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA1989American LiteratureHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs722000722000

To support development of an editorial process, including selection criteria, textual authority, and production standards, for a series of American autobiographical and biographical writings.

GL-20992-91Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesLibrary of AmericaAmerican Poetry and Verse to 1900: A Proposal to Publish a Two-Volume Anthology in the Library of America4/1/1990 - 12/31/1993$90,000.00Cheryl Hurley   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA1991American LiteratureHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs090000090000

To support the publication of a comprehensive anthology of American poetry and verse to 1900.

GL-21449-98Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesLibrary of AmericaAmerican Poetry in the 20th Century: A Comprehensive, Authoritative Anthology to be Published in The Lib. of Amer.11/1/1997 - 6/30/2000$245,000.00Geoffrey O'Brien   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA1998American LiteratureHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs24500002450000

To support the publication of a comprehensive, textually authoritative anthology of American poetry in the 20th century, including more than 1,000 poems by nearly 200 poets.

GL-21621-00Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesLibrary of AmericaMillennium Project for Public Libraries2/1/2000 - 6/30/2002$840,550.00Cheryl Hurley   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2000American LiteratureHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs84055008405500

No project description available

GL-50234-03Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesLibrary of AmericaAssimilating America: The Life and Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer10/1/2003 - 3/31/2005$299,850.00Max Rudin   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2003American LiteratureHumanities Projects in Libraries and ArchivesPublic Programs29985002998500

Implementation of two museum exhibitions, a website, and a year of public programs at 50 libraries nationwide examining the work of writer Isaac Bashevis Singer and the immigrant literary tradition in America.

GP-21038-83Public Programs: Special ProjectsLibrary of AmericaThe Library of America: Henry James Criticism & Henry Adams History of the U.S.10/1/1983 - 7/31/1986$210,000.00Cheryl Hurley   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA1983American LiteratureSpecial ProjectsPublic Programs21000002100000

To support the development costs for five volumes in the Library of America, tobe published over the next two years. Included are a two-volume set of Henry James's Criticism and a three-volume set of Henry Adams's History.

GW-259323-18Public Programs: Community ConversationsLibrary of AmericaLift Every Voice: Why African American Poetry Matters Today9/1/2018 - 6/30/2021$369,000.00Max Rudin   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2018American LiteratureCommunity ConversationsPublic Programs36900003690000

Production of an anthology of African American poetry and an accompanying series of reading and discussion programs.

Library of America requests a grant in the amount of $458,418 in partial support of Lift Every Voice: Why African American Poetry Matters Today, a major national initiative to explore and reassess the multifaceted African American poetic tradition, its complex engagement with American history over 250 years, and its ongoing relevance to our national life. The project has two related objectives. One is to bring together Americans of varied backgrounds around the country to engage with the richness of this essential American tradition in ways that illuminate the continuities and discontinuities between past and present and offer context and insight into questions that remain of vital national importance. The second is to make permanently available a groundbreaking anthology reflecting several generations of scholarly and archival research and rediscovery that will encourage exploration and discussion of the tradition’s meanings and resonances long after the project is over.

HC-50017-12Digital Humanities: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Digital Humanities)DPLADigital Public Library of America Digital Hubs Pilot10/1/2012 - 9/30/2016$1,250,000.00DanielJ.Cohen   DPLABostonMA02116-2813USA2012Library ScienceCooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Digital Humanities)Digital Humanities1250000012500000

The incorporation and launch of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), a groundbreaking project that seeks to digitize and bring together the contents of our nation's libraries and archives, and make them freely available to all online. Project activities to be completed during the grant period will include the creation of four state or regional "service hubs," each responsible for developing a standard set of services to local organizations, and meetings with both service hubs and existing large-scale "content hubs" to formulate content provider agreements.

The DPLA Digital Hubs Pilot will take the first steps to bring together existing United States digital library infrastructure into a sustainable national digital library system. Foundational to the DPLA collection will be the rich historic materials held by archives, public libraries, museums, and historic societies across the country.These materials are important to historians, genealogists, sociologists and scholars of a wide range of humanities disciplines studying every aspect of American life. The goal of the project is twofold: to develop, test and implement the agreements and methods by which existing content hubs -- large scale digital content repositories -- become part of an interconnected national network, and to strengthen local services to institutions and communities and to develop guidelines for sustainable regional digital cooperatives, while enabling hub participation and data ingestion in the DPLA.

LI-50001-06Public Programs: Libraries ImplementationLibrary of AmericaEarly American Writing in The Library of America3/1/2006 - 2/29/2008$300,000.00Cheryl Hurley   Library of AmericaNew YorkNY10022-1006USA2006American LiteratureLibraries ImplementationPublic Programs30000003000000

The publication of "American Poetry: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries" (two volumes) and an expanded volume of selected works by Captain John Smith and other early exploration narratives.