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Organization name: high desert museum

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 15 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 15 items in 1 pages
CA-21312-87Challenge Programs: Challenge Grants for MuseumsHigh Desert MuseumChallenge Grant1/1/1986 - 7/31/1990$250,000.00DonaldM.Kerr   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA1986Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralChallenge Grants for MuseumsChallenge Programs02500000250000

To establish an endowment for staff salaries and the operating costs of a new hall for humanities exhibitions and to support the creation of a permanent exhibition, "Spirit of the West."

CHA-276815-23Challenge Programs: Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge GrantsHigh Desert MuseumThe Center for the High Desert: A Dynamic New Space for Dialogue, Engagement, and Learning in the High Desert8/1/2023 - 4/30/2026$500,000.00Dana Whitelaw   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralInfrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge GrantsChallenge Programs05000000500000

The development of schematic design, cost estimates, and construction documents for the Center for the High Desert, which would include a new gallery, five classrooms, flexible spaces, and an event area for expanded humanities programming at the museum.

The construction of a new 27,500 square foot wing will advance the High Desert Museum’s vision for the Center for the High Desert—a place for humanities-driven programming that brings together scholars, artists, policy makers, nontraditional leaders, and community members to transform conversations about the High Desert region, significantly broaden and deepen community engagement, and catalyze collaborative, creative solutions. An iterative design process will inform the development of a gallery, classrooms and an event center that will enable the Museum to respond to the needs and interests of our growing audiences and rural High Desert community. These adaptable new spaces will support interdisciplinary programming that will broaden community engagement, drive new scholarship, inform policy decisions, and build understanding and collaboration between community members. More than an expansion, this new space will position the Museum to be as dynamic as our High Desert community.

CP-30137-94Challenge Programs: Public Challenge GrantsHigh Desert MuseumPermanent Native American Exhibit Wing and Endowments12/1/1992 - 7/31/1997$550,000.00ArthurH.Wolf   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA1994Native American StudiesPublic Challenge GrantsChallenge Programs05500000550000

To support construction of a Native American exhibitions wing in the museum, a facility to house Columbia River Plateau Indian artifacts; and endowment of a new curatorial position.

GA-274633-20Public Programs: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)High Desert MuseumA Virtual Exploration of the High Desert: Sustaining Humanities and Connecting Community6/15/2020 - 6/30/2021$191,920.00Dana Whitelaw   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2020Cultural HistoryCooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Public Programs)Public Programs19192001919200

Retention of seven staff members to develop virtual tours and programming based on the museum’s collections.

This project will enable the High Desert Museum’s core humanities team to create new virtual programming that will expand public access to the Museum’s significant humanities resources, expertise and collection and deepen understanding of the diverse experiences and perspectives that make up the history of the High Desert region with a particular focus on Indigenous cultures and perspectives. Key outputs will use three areas of our mission, exhibitions and community programs, collections, and K-12 education programs, to establish multiple avenues for engaging broad audiences in important humanities themes and content. Ultimately, these online experiences and resources will continue the Museum’s mission-based work during the current crisis, advance long-term institutional goals, significantly expand the Museum’s impact, and reach new audiences across the High Desert and beyond.

GE-264601-19Public Programs: Exhibitions: PlanningHigh Desert MuseumCreating Together: Reimagining the High Desert Museum's Exhibition on the Indigenous Columbia Plateau4/1/2019 - 9/30/2021$45,000.00Dana Whitelaw   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2019Native American StudiesExhibitions: PlanningPublic Programs450000450000

Planning for the reinstallation of the High Desert Museum’s 4,500-square-foot By Hand Through Memory permanent exhibition.

Through this planning period, High Desert Museum staff, tribal representatives and academics will explore major themes for the reinterpretation of the Museum’s By Hand Through Memory permanent exhibition. This exhibition will highlight how Plateau Indians actively maintained their cultures, traditions and languages and navigated pressures to assimilate. Merging artifacts, traditional and contemporary artwork, ecology and Native voices, the interdisciplinary, place-based exhibition will focus audiences’ attention on stories not told elsewhere. By placing American Indians at the center of the history of the American West in the 20th century, the reinterpreted exhibition and associated programming will raise awareness of the enduring role of Native people in the Columbia Plateau and enhance understanding of the region as a shared place. Stronger relationships between cultural institutions in the region will support co-curated traveling exhibitions that will reach large audiences.

GI-297118-24Public Programs: Exhibitions: ImplementationHigh Desert MuseumCreating Together: A new vision for the permanent exhibition on the Indigenous Plateau at the High Desert Museum9/1/2024 - 8/31/2027$500,000.00Dana Whitelaw   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2024Cultural HistoryExhibitions: ImplementationPublic Programs50000005000000

Implementation of a 4,500-square-foot permanent exhibition on the peoples, history, and cultures of the Indigenous Plateau, and a two-year Position in Public Humanities.

The High Desert Museum requests a $400,000 Implementation Grant for the reinstallation of our 4,500 square foot permanent exhibition on the Indigenous Plateau and $100,000 for a two-year Position in the Humanities. Through a dynamic new exhibition, visitors will learn about the Lighted Earth as the foundation of Plateau philosophy and law in which light gives everything life and as a result, we are all connected and have a responsibility to care for each other. Building from this theme, visitors will learn about Plateau lifeways, cultures, histories, and knowledge the same way a Plateau child learns—through experiences, observation and storytelling. Creating Together is bringing together Native knowledge holders and humanities advisors to create an innovative experience that will transform how visitors see the world around them. The Position in the Humanities will advance the long-term impact of the exhibition through Interpretive and Education Guides and extensive public programming.

GM-*1265-80Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsHigh Desert MuseumImplementation/Permanent Orientation Exhibits on the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Northern Desert7/1/1980 - 8/31/1981$95,443.00DonaldM.Kerr   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA1980History, GeneralHumanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsPublic Programs954430954430

To support the implementation of 12 permanent Orientation Exhibits on the cultural traditions and related natural phenomena of the desert regions of the Pacific Northwest in prehistoric, historic and contemporary times.

GM-24671-92Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsHigh Desert MuseumThe Native American Heritage of the Intermountain West1/1/1992 - 12/31/1993$48,101.00BrianN.Weber   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA1991Native American StudiesHumanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsPublic Programs481010481010

To support planning for a permanent exhibition on the native Americans of the Great Basin and the Plateau.

GM-25845-98Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsHigh Desert MuseumIndians of the Columbia River Plateau Exhibit9/1/1998 - 8/31/1999$240,870.00KevinM.Britz   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA1998U.S. HistoryHumanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsPublic Programs24087002408700

To support a new permanent exhibition on the Native American cultures of the Plateau region, with special emphasis on post-reservation cultural change and maintenance.

GM-26244-01Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsHigh Desert MuseumBuckaroo!: The Hispanic Heritage of the High Desert5/1/2001 - 2/28/2002$40,903.00KevinM.Britz   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2001U.S. HistoryHumanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsPublic Programs409030409030

Planning for a traveling exhibition and catalog on the post-Civil War Hispanic influence on ranching in Oregon, both in terms of the general ranch culture and production of crafts.

GM-50355-04Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsHigh Desert MuseumDesert Stories Project10/1/2004 - 6/30/2005$10,000.00Kelly Cannon-Miller   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2004U.S. HistoryHumanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsPublic Programs100000100000

Consultation with scholars and interpretive specialists to assess the museum's current interpretative direction and to explore how to incorporate more living history presentations.

The High Desert Museum is requesting a National Endowment for the Humanities Consultation Grant for the purpose of charting a new interpretive direction for the Museum’s cultural and historical interpretive programs. The Museum intends to contract with highly qualified consultants to assist the Museum to evaluate the effectiveness of its current cultural and historical interpretation in meeting its mission and to identify opportunities to enhance its current programs with particular emphasis on theater and living history. The Museum anticipates that the activities proposed in the Desert Stories project will provide the foundation for the development of a comprehensive master plan for its cultural and historical interpretive programs.

MD-277043-21Public Programs: Digital Projects for the Public: Discovery GrantsHigh Desert MuseumRemapping the High Desert: Toward a New Look into Time and Space3/1/2021 - 7/31/2022$30,000.00Dana Whitelaw   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralDigital Projects for the Public: Discovery GrantsPublic Programs300000300000

Development of a digital map illuminating the dynamic relationships between the people, wildlife, and landscapes of the High Desert.

The High Desert Museum requests a $30,000 Discovery Grant to develop Remapping the High Desert—an online project that will connect broad audiences to the dynamic relationships between the people, wildlife and landscapes of the High Desert. Despite its significant size and importance to the nation, the High Desert is one of the least studied and understood aspects of the American West. Using innovative design, this project will uncover the many layers of stories and relationships embedded in the vast landscape of the High Desert. Drawing from remapping concepts, the content and approach will prioritize diverse perspectives, including recognizing the High Desert as the ancestral homeland of Indigenous people. Users will also be able to share their experiences. Through this Discovery Grant, we will implement the planning phase of Remapping the High Desert and bring together a wide range of humanities scholars and digital media experts to develop major concepts and design elements.

MR-50160-12Public Programs: NEH on the RoadHigh Desert MuseumNEH on the Road: Bison9/1/2012 - 1/31/2013$1,000.00Dana Whitelaw   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2012Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralNEH on the RoadPublic Programs1000010000

Ancillary public humanities programs to accompany the NEH on the Road: Bison traveling exhibition.

The High Desert Museum seeks a $1,000 grant to help support the cost of public humanities programming to accompany The Bison: American Icon when it appears at the Museum.

PG-266654-19Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance GrantsHigh Desert MuseumDoris Swayze Bounds Collection Assessment9/1/2019 - 8/31/2021$8,653.00Dana Whitelaw   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2019Native American StudiesPreservation Assistance GrantsPreservation and Access8653086530

A preservation assessment of approximately 7,000 objects, which document many of the indigenous groups of the Columbia River Plateau, including the Colville, Yakama, Klamath, Nez Perce, and Umatilla tribes, over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection includes beaded bags, cedar root baskets, clothing and textiles, cradleboards, tools, horse trappings, and jewelry and is used to convey the experiences and perspectives of Plateau Indians through permanent and traveling exhibits, educational programs, and scholarly research.

The 7,000 objects related to American Indians in the Museum’s collection are essential to understanding the experiences and perspectives of Columbia Plateau Indians and enhancing the public’s knowledge of the American West. Dating from the 1800s to 1960s, these objects, including beaded and cornhusk bags, baskets, articles of clothing and cradleboards, demonstrate how Indigenous groups navigated dramatic changes in the region. This collection is essential to our exhibitions and programs, making its long-term care a high priority for the Museum. Consultant Ellen Pearlstein will assess this collection to provide an accurate understanding of its preservation needs and inform two projects related to the long-term care of the collection. We are developing a new culturally responsive collections care plan and in the initial stages of renovating our 4,500 square-foot By Hand Through Memory permanent exhibition, which uses this collection to convey the experiences of Plateau Indians.

ZPP-283810-22Agency-wide Projects: ARP-Organizations (Public-related)High Desert MuseumStronger Together: Advancing the Cultural Infrastructure of the Indigenous Plateau1/1/2022 - 12/31/2023$187,487.00Michelle Seiler   High Desert MuseumBendOR97708-5035USA2021Native American StudiesARP-Organizations (Public-related)Agency-wide Projects18748701874870

Archival work and public programming on the history and culture of Central Oregon, focusing on the Plateau tribes in the region.

This project will position the High Desert Museum and Museum At Warm Springs to continue core humanities work that is sustaining our region’s Native based cultural infrastructure. As we emerge from the pandemic, now more than ever, it is important to have strong cultural institutions and resources that can help shape our community’s new normal. With Native partners, we will use our collections to support public programming that will increase awareness of the Plateau Indigenous worldview, promote greater understanding of our shared humanity, and advocate for a more inclusive community. Specific activities include transforming how the High Desert Museum structures and interprets the collection of Plateau Indian material culture in its care and cataloguing and digitizing the Museum At Warm Springs’s collection and archives to support K-12 curriculum. By advancing this collaborative work, this project will have a significant and ongoing impact on our region’s cultural infrastructure.