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Participant name: Kelley
Keywords: Browning (ANY of these words -- matching substrings)

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Page size:
 21 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 21 items in 1 pages
RE-*0901-79Research Programs: EditionsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: A Collected Edition8/1/1979 - 8/31/1981$95,538.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1979Literature, GeneralEditionsResearch Programs955380955380

To edit the initial four volumes of the correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning

RE-20419-85Research Programs: EditionsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: A Collected Edition, 1809-18897/1/1985 - 6/30/1987$181,863.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1985British LiteratureEditionsResearch Programs18186301818630

To support work on an edition of the correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RE-20624-87Research Programs: EditionsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: A Collected Edition, 1809-18897/1/1987 - 6/30/1989$180,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1987British LiteratureEditionsResearch Programs17500050001750005000

To support the preparation of an edition of the complete correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RE-20819-89Research Programs: EditionsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: A Collected Edition, 1809-897/1/1989 - 6/30/1991$200,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1989British LiteratureEditionsResearch Programs1800002000018000014000

To support preparation of an edition of the complete correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RE-20966-91Research Programs: EditionsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: A Collected Edition, 1809-897/1/1991 - 6/30/1993$211,100.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1991British LiteratureEditionsResearch Programs1911002000019110020000

To support continuing preparation of an edition of the complete correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RE-21117-93Research Programs: EditionsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence7/1/1993 - 6/30/1995$237,500.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1993British LiteratureEditionsResearch Programs2100002750021000027500

To support the preparation of an edition of the correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RE-21278-95Research Programs: EditionsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence7/1/1995 - 6/30/1997$270,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1995British LiteratureEditionsResearch Programs2400003000024000030000

To support the preparation of an edition of the correspondence of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning.

RP-21145-88Research Programs: Scholarly PublicationsWedgestone PressThe Brownings' Correspondence, Volumes 7 and 8, edited by Philip Kelley and Ronald Hudson10/1/1988 - 9/30/1989$12,000.00Philip Kelley   Wedgestone PressWinfieldKS67156USA1988British LiteratureScholarly PublicationsResearch Programs120000120000

To support the publication of two volumes in an edition of the complete correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RP-21325-90Research Programs: Scholarly PublicationsWedgestone PressThe Brownings' Correspondence, Volumes 9 and 1010/1/1990 - 3/31/1992$14,000.00Philip Kelley   Wedgestone PressWinfieldKS67156USA1990British LiteratureScholarly PublicationsResearch Programs140000140000

To support the publication of two volumes in an edition of the complete correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RP-21596-92Research Programs: Scholarly PublicationsWedgestone PressThe Brownings' Correspondence, Volume 11, ed. by Phillip Kelley10/1/1992 - 9/30/1993$7,000.00Philip Kelley   Wedgestone PressWinfieldKS67156USA1992British LiteratureScholarly PublicationsResearch Programs7000070000

To support the publication of volume 11 in an edition of the correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RP-21653-93Research Programs: Scholarly PublicationsWedgestone PressThe Brownings' Correspondence, Volume 12, Philip Kelley, ed.10/1/1993 - 9/30/1994$7,000.00Philip Kelley   Wedgestone PressWinfieldKS67156USA1993British LiteratureScholarly PublicationsResearch Programs7000070000

To support the publication of volume 12 in an edition of the correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RP-21953-95Research Programs: Scholarly PublicationsWedgestone PressThe Brownings' Correspondence, Volume 14, ed. by Philip Kelley10/1/1995 - 9/30/1996$7,000.00Philip Kelley   Wedgestone PressWinfieldKS67156USA1995British LiteratureScholarly PublicationsResearch Programs7000070000

To support the publication of one volume in an edition of the complete correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

RQ-255697-17Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: Volumes 28-304/1/2018 - 3/31/2021$315,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA2017British LiteratureScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs2400007500024000075000

Project director Philip Kelley and co-project director Edward Hagan are editing and preparing for print and digital publication Volumes 28-30 of the letters of prominent English writers Robert Browning (1812-1889) and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861). (36 months)

The letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, scattered in 383 public and private collections, represent one of the largest and most comprehensive bodies of literary and social commentary on the nineteenth century. The aim of The Brownings' Correspondence, projected to be 40 volumes, is to publish the complete text of all the poets' letters with full annotations, thus making them accessible to a modern audience. This application requests three-year funding to edit volumes 28-30, October 1860-December 1864. During this time, correspondents discuss various political, social, and cultural topics and personalities, including Italian unification, the U.S Civil War, art, music, literature, religion, Tennyson, George Eliot, and Garibaldi. The primary focus, however, is EBB's death and its effect on her husband and son. RB publishes his wife's Last Poems and his own Dramatis Personae; the latter marks a turning point in his popularity.

RQ-271299-20Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsBaylor UniversityThe Brownings' Correspondence: Volumes 31-337/1/2021 - 6/30/2024$299,776.00Philip KelleyEdwardH.HaganBaylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA2020British LiteratureScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs29977602997760

Preparation for publication of volumes 31, 32, and 33 of The Brownings’ Correspondence in print and online. (36 months)

The correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, comprising some 11,500 letters written over the years 1809–89, represent one of the most significant bodies of literary, social, and political commentary on the 19th century. The aim of The Brownings’ Correspondence is to present the complete text of all the poets’ letters with full annotations. This application requests funding to edit volumes 31-33, January 1865–May 1875. During this period, Robert Browning discusses a wide range of subjects, both private and public, including: his father’s death and the education of his son, Pen; the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars; Italian unification; his masterwork, The Ring and the Book (1868–69); and contemporary art, music, and literature. With NEH support, 26 volumes of The Brownings’ Correspondence have been published. The 40th and final volume of this scholarly edition is expected in 2032. Volumes 1–26 are online at

RQ-50110-04Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence7/1/2004 - 6/30/2006$180,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA2004British LiteratureScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs18000001800000

Preparation of annotations for 445 letters making up volumes 15-18 of The Brownings' Correspondence covering the years 1848-1852 and published by Wedgestone Press.

The works and lives of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a profound influence on nineteenth-century literature and culture and continue to have a significant and lasting impact on world literature. Their poetry, published during their lifetimes, received intense scrutiny and much praise from the reading public and literary critics. Upon their deaths, and later with the publication of their love letters in 1899, public and scholarly attention increased. The story of their romantic courtship, marriage, and flight to Italy has been told and retold through books, plays, musicals, films, and television. Interest in Robert Browning's poetry has never waned. There are currently in progress three scholarly editions of his complete works. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poetry has received increased focus in the last thirty years during which time there has been an explosion of scholarly articles and critical and biographical studies. Unfortunately, this interest and enthusiasm is greatly impeded in that a large part of the Brownings' literature - their correspondence - remains virtually inaccessible. Scattered in over 300 public and private collections, their letters represent one of the largest and most comprehensive bodies of literary and social commentary on the nineteenth century. The aim of The Brownings' Correspondence is to publish the complete text of all the Brownings' letters with full annotations, thereby making them accessible and understandable to a modern audience. Thus far, 14 volumes, of a projected 40, have been edited with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The present application requests three-year funding to edit a further four volumes of the edition, covering the years 1848-1852. During this period, the Brownings and their correspondents discuss a wide range of social, political, and cultural subjects, some of which include the revolutions sweeping through Europe, Italian unification, slavery, women's rights, education, and freedom of the press. The letters in these volumes also serve to illuminate the work of both poets: RB's Poems (1849) and Christmas-Eve and Easter Day (1950); EBB's Poems (1850) and Casa Guidi Windows (1851).

RQ-50245-07Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: Volumes 17-197/1/2007 - 6/30/2009$210,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA2007British LiteratureScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs1600005000016000050000

Preparation of annotation for 408 letters (1851-1853) comprising volumes 17-19 of the correspondence of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 19th-century British poets. (36 months)

The letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, scattered in over 300 public and private collections, represent one of the largest and most comprehensive bodies of literary and social commentary on the nineteenth century. The aim of The Brownings' Correspondence, projected to be 40 volumes, is to publish the complete text of all the poets' letters with full annotations, thereby making them accessible to a modern audience. This application requests three-year funding to edit volumes 17 through 19 of the edition, covering the years 1851-1853. During this period, the Brownings and their correspondents discuss a wide range of social, political and cultural subjects including Austrian occupation in Italy, the coup d'etat in France, American slavery, women's rights, and spiritualism. The letters in these volumes also serve to illuminate the work of both poets: RB's introductory essay to the Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley (1852); EBB's Casa Guidi Windows (1851) and Poems (1853).

RQ-50424-09Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: Volumes 19-227/1/2009 - 6/30/2011$250,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA2009British LiteratureScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs2400001000024000010000

Editing and preparation of annotations for 652 letters comprising volumes 19-22 of The Brownings' Correspondence covering the period from April 1853 to August 1856. (36 months)

The letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, scattered in over 300 public and private collections, represent one of the largest and most comprehensive bodies of literary and social commentary on the nineteenth century. The aim of The Brownings' Correspondence, projected to be 40 volumes, is to publish the complete text of all the poets' letters with full annotations, thus making them accessible to a modern audience. This application requests three-year funding to edit volumes 19-22 of the edition, covering the period April 1853-August 1856. During this time, the Brownings and their correspondents discuss a wide range of social, political, and cultural subjects including women's rights, spiritualism, painting, sculpture, various religious issues, and the Crimean War. The letters in these volumes serve to illuminate the work of both poets as they work on what are arguably their greatest poetic achievements: RB's Men and Women (1855) and EBB's Aurora Leigh (1857).

RQ-50534-11Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: Volumes 22-249/1/2011 - 8/31/2014$306,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA2011British LiteratureScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs2310007500023100075000

Completion of editorial work on volumes 22-24 of The Brownings' Correspondence. (36 months)

The letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, scattered in over 300 public and private collections, represent one of the largest and most comprehensive bodies of literary and social commentary on the nineteenth century. The aim of The Brownings' Correspondence, projected to be 40 volumes, is to publish the complete text of all the poets' letters with full annotations, thus making them accessible to a modern audience. This application requests three-year funding to edit volumes 22-24 of the edition, covering the period February 1856-August 1858. During this time, the Brownings and their correspondents discuss current political, social, and cultural issues and personalities, including Italian independence, Napoleon III, the Sepoy Mutiny, art, literature, the Pre-Raphaelites, religion, Pope Pius IX, spiritualism, and women's rights. This last is the subject of numerous letters focusing on EBB's masterwork Aurora Leigh (1857). RB's Men and Women (1855) continues to receive comment.

RQ-50794-14Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence: Volumes 25-271/1/2015 - 12/31/2017$306,000.00Philip KelleyEdwardH.HaganBaylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA2014British LiteratureScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs2310007500023100075000

Completion of editorial work on volumes 25-27 of the letters of prominent English writers Robert Browning (1812-1889) and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861). (36 months)

The letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, scattered in 379 public and private collections, represent one of the largest and most comprehensive bodies of literary and social commentary on the nineteenth century. The aim of The Brownings' Correspondence, projected to be 40 volumes, is to publish the complete text of all the poets' letters with full annotations, thus making them accessible to a modern audience. This application requests three-year funding to edit volumes 25-27, September 1858-September 1860. During this time correspondents discuss a broad range of political, social, and cultural topics and personalities, including American slavery, Harriet Beecher Stowe, art, literature, Ruskin, Dumas, the Rossettis, Anthony Trollope, religion, the Pope, and women's rights. The primary focus, however, is Italian unification and the principals involved, e.g., Napoleon III and Cavour. EBB's poetry, especially her Poems Before Congress (1860), supports the cause.

RZ-20004-97Research Programs: Collaborative ResearchPhilip KelleyThe Correspondence of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning on CD-ROM7/1/1997 - 6/30/1999$160,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1997British LiteratureCollaborative ResearchResearch Programs1400002000014000020000

To support the preparation of a CD-ROM edition of the correspondence of Victorian poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning.

RZ-20374-99Research Programs: Collaborative ResearchPhilip KelleyThe Brownings' Correspondence on CD-ROM7/1/1999 - 6/30/2001$168,000.00Philip Kelley   Baylor UniversityWacoTX76798-7284USA1999British LiteratureCollaborative ResearchResearch Programs1500001800015000018000

The preparation of a CD-ROM edition of the correspondence of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning.