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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
HB-50333-13Research Programs: Awards for FacultyBenjamin Lindsay LapidusThe History of Spanish Caribbean Music in New York City and the Shaping of an International Sound, 1940-19909/1/2013 - 8/31/2014$50,400.00BenjaminLindsayLapidus   CUNY Research Foundation, John Jay CollegeNew YorkNY10019-1007USA2012Music History and CriticismAwards for FacultyResearch Programs504000504000

I am requesting funding from the NEH to complete a book on the unwritten history of Spanish Caribbean music in New York City from 1940-1990 that will detail how musicians, educators, composers, arrangers, folklorists, and instrument builders collaborated to shape the course of both popular and folkloric genres in profound ways. I have conducted numerous interviews, acquired scores, and done archival research. Funding for one year starting in Fall 2013 will allow me to organize this research and write the manuscript. This project is intellectually significant to the humanities, because it revises and corrects the dominant historical narrative of Latin music in New York that has overlooked and underestimated the nature and scope of the connections among these distinct groups of specialists.