Developing an Interdisciplinary Curriculum to Foster Citizen Scholars
FAIN: AKA-260583-18
Vermont College (Northfield, VT 05663-1035)
Amy Woodbury Tease (Project Director: October 2017 to November 2019)
Brian Russell Glenney (Co Project Director: April 2018 to November 2019)
Planning for five interdisciplinary courses on the
theme of resilience, co-taught by faculty in humanities and non-humanities
This proposal outlines a rationale and timeline for the planning of a humanities-focused interdisciplinary curriculum initiative at Norwich University. Less than 3% of students at Norwich, most of whom plan to pursue careers in the military and service-oriented professions, are currently majoring in humanities fields. This initiative will demonstrate the relevance of humanities-based inquiry for all majors and provide hands-on experiential learning and research opportunities that will allow them to become engaged citizen scholars. Over a 12-month period, the planning team will partner with key stakeholders to recruit faculty, promote the program to the Norwich community, and create up to five co-curricular, co-instructed courses with the common theme of resilience. The goal of the planning grant will be to increase visibility and investment in the use-value of the humanities by establishing a pilot curriculum to be implemented in Fall 2019, aligning with Norwich’s bicentennial.
Associated Products
To stir is human; to collaborate is divine (Blog Post)Title: To stir is human; to collaborate is divine
Author: Matthew Crowley
Abstract: This blog post describes the mission and courses developed as a result of Dr. Amy Woodbury Tease's NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant. There is also a link at the end of this post to a related story on Narrative Medicine, one of the four pilot courses that our grant initiative supported.
Date: 08/12/19
Primary URL: URL Description: This is the main website (URL) for Norwich University.
Secondary URL: URL Description: This is the URL specific to the newsreel produced for Norwich University stories. Our Office of Communications provides the content as it comes to their attention.
Blog Title: "To stir is human; to collaborate is divine"
Website: Norwich University
Council on Undergraduate Research Arts and Humanities Blog Post (Blog Post)Title: Council on Undergraduate Research Arts and Humanities Blog Post
Author: Editorial Team
Abstract: This blog post promoted the NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant deadline through an interview with project director Dr. Amy Woodbury Tease of Norwich University.
Date: 10/08/2018
Primary URL:
http://curartsandhumanities.orgPrimary URL Description: This is the URL for the blog run by the Council on Undergraduate Research Arts & Humanities Division councilors.
Secondary URL: URL Description: This is the specific URL for the blog post promoting the work of the Norwich University NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant team with an interview with Dr. Amy Woodbury Tease (project director).
Website: CURAH: The Arts and Humanities Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research
The Humanities and the Power of Integrative Learning (Article)Title: The Humanities and the Power of Integrative Learning
Author: Amy Woodbury Tease
Abstract: This article describes the impact that interdisciplinary courses with a Humanities-focused approach can have on faculty, students, and institutional life more broadly. Written by Project Director Dr. Amy Woodbury Tease, this article engages the mission of the Norwich Humanities Initiative, which was developed with the support of a Humanities Connections Planning Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
http://norwich.eduPrimary URL Description: This is the homepage for the Norwich University website.
Secondary URL: URL Description: This is the homepage for the Norwich Record, Alumni Magazine in which the article was published.
Access Model: subscription; some open access sections
Format: Magazine
Periodical Title: The Norwich Record
Publisher: Norwich University Record