A Human-Centered Engineering Initiative
FAIN: AKA-265701-19
Michigan Technological University (Houghton, MI 49931-1200)
Marika A. Seigel (Project Director: October 2018 to July 2023)
Mary Raber (Co Project Director: April 2019 to July 2023)
The development of three new interdisciplinary
courses for a minor in human-centered engineering.
Michigan Technological University requests funding to spearhead a new Human-Centered Engineering Initiative. The purpose of this curricular initiative--which includes developing three new courses and a minor in Human-Centered Engineering--is to meaningfully integrate humanistic and technical inquiry; highlight the importance of humanistic inquiry to students in engineering disciplines; and expand the role of the Humanities at the institution. During the planning grant period, faculty from the Department of Humanities, College of Engineering, and Pavlis Honors College will collaborate to research, develop, and propose three interdisciplinary courses that will form the core of a new Human-Centered Engineering minor at Michigan Tech. These courses -- “Empathy,” “Creativity,” and “Innovation” -- will each focus on a key component of the design process, exploring connections and differences between humanistic and engineering perspectives.
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The Big IDEA: New Hub Transforms Education (Blog Post)Title: The Big IDEA: New Hub Transforms Education
Author: Marika Seigel
Abstract: Describes the HC planning grant project as part of the larger Education for the 21st Century university initiative
Date: 11/18/2019
Primary URL:
https://www.mtu.edu/unscripted/stories/2019/november/the-big-idea-new-hub-transforms-education.htmlWebsite: Michigan Tech Unscripted Research Blog