
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

9/1/2007 - 3/31/2009

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$110,660.00 (approved)
$110,660.00 (awarded)

Incorporating the Themes of "We the People" into the Programming of Humanities Tennessee

FAIN: BC-50380-07

Humanities Tennessee (Nashville, TN 37206-3607)
Robert Cheatham (Project Director: May 2007 to January 2013)
Timothy Henderson (Project Director: January 2013 to May 2011)

We the People funding will support sessions devoted to American history and culture at the Southern Festival of Books; strengthen the six small museums and cultural organizations hosting the "New Harmonies" exhibit; and make grants, including one to support a teacher institute on the civil rights movement in Tennessee.

Humanities Tennessee's 2007 "We the People" project will support: seven or more sessions on American history and culture at the 2007 Southern Festival of Books; organizational assessments and the development of strategic plans for six local history organizations hosting the "New Harmonies" Museum on Main Street tour in 2008; and grants that examine local or state history in the context of American history, including a teachers' institute that examines the Civil Rights Movement in Tennessee.