
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

9/1/2007 - 2/28/2010

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$224,260.00 (approved)
$224,260.00 (awarded)

Together--Book Talk for Kids & Parents

FAIN: BC-50397-07

New York Council for the Humanities (New York, NY 10038-4364)
Jane B. McNamara (Project Director: May 2007 to May 2011)

To support "Together -- Book Talk for Kids & Parents," the Council's intergenerational family reading and discussion program focused on themes drawn from We the People bookshelves.

The New York Council for the Humanities requests “We The People” funds to greatly expand the reach of “Together—Book Talk for Kids & Parents,” its successful intergenerational family reading and discussion program focused on “We The People” Bookshelf themes.