
Education Programs: Landmarks of American History for Community Colleges, WTP

Period of Performance

10/1/2009 - 12/31/2010

Funding Totals

$142,000.00 (approved)
$142,000.00 (awarded)

History and Commemoration: Legacies of the Pacific War

FAIN: BI-50109-09

Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, Inc. (Honolulu, HI 96848-1601)
Geoffrey M. White (Project Director: March 2009 to June 2011)

Two one-week workshops for fifty community college faculty members on World War II landmarks in and around Pearl Harbor in Hawai'i.

This submission proposes two one-week workshops for community college faculty on "History and Commemoration: Legacies of the Pacific War" (July 25-30; August 1-6, 2010). Utilizing resources associated with Pearl Harbor and Hawaii's World War II historic sites, the workshops will consider the importance of culture(s) of commemoration for understanding and teaching Pacific War history. The program will examine a number of key sites of memory in Hawaii, the Pacific and Asia, and provide an opportunity for participants to pursue individual research and teaching interests relevant to a range of disciplines,including history, anthropology, Asian and Pacific studies, international politics, and religion. The workshops will be cosponsored by the East-West Center, the Arizona Memorial Museum Association and the National Park Service World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument.