Free and Equal: The Promise of Reconstruction in America
FAIN: BR-264610-19
University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC 29208-0001)
Rose Ylimaki (Project Director: August 2018 to January 2021)
Spencer Platt (Project Director: January 2021 to present)
of a tour through Beaufort County, South Carolina, exploring the story of
Reconstruction using a mobile app, website, and information kiosk.
A public history project that informs, interprets, and facilitates the understanding of reconstruction history in Beaufort, South Carolina as well as nationally.
Associated Products
Free and Equal Mobile app (Game/Simulation)Title: Free and Equal Mobile app
Author: Walking Cinema
Abstract: Free & Equal: The Promise of Reconstruction in America is an online educational project and mobile app. It tells the story of the Rehearsal for Reconstruction, a largely forgotten place and time in history that played a critical role in defining freedom and equality for African Americans during and after the Civil War.
When and where did the Civil Rights movement begin in the United States? "Free and Equal" is an immersive audio and augmented reality drive through Beaufort, South Carolina where America's "First Civil Rights movement" began during the Civil War. Here 8,000 former slaves were given unparalleled arms, education, land, and political power in what became known as the Port Royal Experiment. Step into this experiment through the eyes of one Black soldier and uncover the roots of today's struggle for Black civil rights. To take the tour you will need headphones, a car, good walking shoes, and a fully charged phone. You can take the tour remotely but it's more engaging when done in the National Reconstruction Era Historic Park.
Year: 2021
Primary URL:
http://freeandequalproject.comPrimary URL Description: the accompanying website is still under construction
Access Model: it is free through the Apple, Google Play, and Android app stores
Source Available?: No