Pursuing Penn State's Dream for Excellence in the Humanities Through Publishing
FAIN: CH-50685-10
Penn State (University Park, PA 16802-1503)
Sanford G. Thatcher (Project Director: May 2009 to December 2009)
Patrick H. Alexander (Project Director: December 2009 to October 2011)
Endowment for publications in fifteen humanities series published by Penn State University Press and making use of varied digital formats.
The Penn State University Press proposes to use an NEH Challenge Grant, together with matching funds, to establish a permanent endowment whose income will provide annually up to $60,000 for support of 15 series in the humanities, spanning fields from art and architecture to colonial Latin American history and Jewish literature. Some of these series will be published online through the Office of Digital Scholarly Publishing, operated jointly by the Libraries and Press at Penn State, and almost all will be able to take advantage of the ODSP to create "hybrid" print/online publications.