Cleveland Museum of Art Interpretation Endowment Challenge Grant
FAIN: CH-51127-13
Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland, OH 44106-1711)
Caroline Goeser (Project Director: May 2012 to April 2014)
Katherine Solender (Project Director: April 2014 to November 2017)
Endowment for the museum's interpretation staff and the development of humanities-based interpretive materials for refreshed gallery interpretation.
The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) seeks a $500,000 endowment challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, to be matched 3:1 with an additional $1.5 million raised from other sources. The combined $2 million dollar fund will be used to endow the museum's interpretation program, which provides CMA's visitors a range of humanities-based interpretive tools to access and understand the works of art on view in the permanent collection and special exhibition galleries. The endowment will support the museum's dedicated interpretation staff and the development of humanities-based interpretive materials that will make possible the refreshed gallery interpretation, program modification, and technology updates that today's visitors expect.
Media Coverage
The Cleveland Museum of Art continues to innovate with release of new exhibition app (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Art Daily News Blog
Publication: Art Daily
Date: 2/1/2015
Abstract: A description of the new Senufo app released in conjunction with the Senufo: Art and Identity exhibition opening at the museum 0n 2/22/;2015.
The Cleveland Museum of Art Debuts Its First Special Exhibition App in Conjunction With 'Senufo: Art and Identity in West Africa' (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Art Daily News Blog, Josh Usmani
Publication: Cleveland Scene Magazine
Date: 2/24/2015
Abstract: The Cleveland Museum of Art recently unveiled its latest special exhibition, Senufo: Art and Identity in West Africa. Along with the exhibition came the debut of the museum’s first special exhibition app, CMA Senufo (now available for iPhones through the Apple iTunes App Store), as well as an accompanying “catalog” – a 272-page, full-color, hardcover book, entitled Senufo Unbound.
Associated Products
User Experience: Toward a Grand Unified Theory of Museum Content (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: User Experience: Toward a Grand Unified Theory of Museum Content
Author: Jennifer Foley
Abstract: Presented on museum nomenclature and its impact on digital interpretation and the development of interpretive "content." This presentation was part of a panel focused on issues related to digital content creation in museums, and included Robert Wiesberg from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Corey Pressman of Metal Toad, and Kimon Keramidas from the Bard Graduate Center.
Date: 11/14/2014
Primary URL: URL Description: Audio recording of the panel session.
Conference Name: Museum Computer Network Annual Conference
Jumping into Creating Digital Content (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Jumping into Creating Digital Content
Author: Jennifer Foley
Author: Lori Wienke
Author: Kevin Kelly
Abstract: Thinking about creating digital content for your website? Working
on an app to share media content with your audience/visitors? Our
team has created hours of AAM award winning digital content
over the last two years. We’ll be discussing the iterative process
that got us there, including a shift from contractors to in-house
production, and tips for how you can get started.
Speakers: Jennifer Foley, Director of Interpretation, Cleveland
Museum of Art; Lori Wienke, Assistant Director of
Interpretation, Cleveland Museum of Art; Kevin Kelly,
Educational Media Technician, Cleveland Museum of Art
Date: 4/1/2015
Primary URL: URL Description: Conference Program
Conference Name: Ohio Museums Association
Oh, What does this button do?” Connecting Spaces, People, and Collections (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Oh, What does this button do?” Connecting Spaces, People, and Collections
Author: Jennifer Foley
Abstract: An invited lecture entitled "Oh, What does this button do?” Connecting Spaces, People, and Collections" for symposium: Digital Interpretation: Screens and Devices as Didactic Media
Recent innovations in digital display and interaction at leading institutions, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, and Cleveland Museum of Art, have made it clear that digital technologies are now firmly established as part of the museum-going experience. These developments necessitate a critical and thoughtful consideration of how to deploy screens and devices in museum environments in a way that best supports the objects on display and the narratives that curators are conveying. This symposium will juxtapose the work of leaders in museum technology with efforts being made in the Bard Graduate Center’s Focus Gallery Project to pose a variety of different approaches and models that engage with these new developments, and to open up discourse about the best ways to integrate digital technology in the interpretive and didactic missions of educational and cultural heritage institutions.
Date: 4/7/2015
Primary URL: URL Description: Recordings of each of the symposium sessions and final panel discussion.
Conference Name: Digital Interpretation: Screens and Devices as Didactic Media
The Museum of the Future Through the Museum of Today (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: The Museum of the Future Through the Museum of Today
Author: Jennifer Foley
Author: Nik Honeysett
Author: Koven Smith
Author: Alex Freeman
Abstract: The NMC’s Horizon Report, created with input from many AAM members, has helped museums and universities set priorities for technology planning, research and practice since 2010 ( The 2014 edition adds new sections that outline implications of each trend for policy, leadership and practice. Panelists will introduce topics from the 2014 report and lead a moderated discussion about how museums can anticipate and react to these coming changes.
Date: 4/26/2015
Primary URL: URL Description: Session description
Secondary URL: URL Description: American Alliance of Museums conference website.