Perspectives on World War II in the Pacific Theater
FAIN: ES-281264-21
Intrepid Museum Foundation (New York, NY 10036-1007)
Lynda Kennedy (Project Director: March 2021 to present)
Gerrie Bay Hall (Co Project Director: July 2021 to September 2023)
A two-week, hybrid institute for 25 K-12 teachers to study World War II in the Pacific from multiple perspectives.
The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum’s Education Department proposes a Level II, two-week, Summer Institute for twenty-five K-12 classroom teachers to run from July 18 to July 29, 2022. 'Perspectives on World War II in the Pacific Theater' is a newly developed Institute that will immerse teachers in scholarly historical research as well as the history, artifacts and oral histories in the Museum’s collection that embody the era and the focus. Building on successful elements from the remote delivery of a 2020 Institute, the proposed Institute is formulated as a virtual hybrid learning model. While most appropriate for middle and high school teachers, applicants from other grades and educational settings which fit NEH criteria for participation will be considered.