
Research Programs: Fellowships for University Teachers

Period of Performance

1/1/2003 - 9/30/2003

Funding Totals

$40,000.00 (approved)
$40,000.00 (awarded)

Gendered Domains: Medicine and the Nurse Practitioner Movement, 1960 to the Present

FAIN: FA-37223-02

Julie A. Fairman
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA 19104-6205)

No project description available

Media Coverage

Review (Review)
Publication: Library Journal
Date: 1/4/2012

Review (Review)
Author(s): Marilyn Flood
Publication: Nursing HIstory Review
Date: 10/1/2009
Abstract: Nursing History Review Online September, 2008, hard copy publication date, October, 2009, 17: 235-236.

Review (Review)
Publication: Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Date: 4/1/2009
Abstract: Spring, 2009

Review (Review)
Publication: SciTecg Book News
Date: 1/4/2012

Review (Review)
Publication: CHOICE
Date: 1/4/2012
Abstract: CHOICE, November, 2008

Review (Review)
Publication: Doody's
Date: 1/4/2012
Abstract: This excellent book highlights the development of the nurse practitioner movement. The current state of practice is defined and the potential growth of the role is explored. The important issues influencing the continued development of the nurse practitioner role are clearly presented and reviewed. This update is needed in light of the ever-evolving healthcare arena."Score: 100, 5 stars

Associated Products

Making room in the clinic : nurse practitioners and the evolution of modern health care (Book)
Title: Making room in the clinic : nurse practitioners and the evolution of modern health care
Author: Julie Fairman
Abstract: In Making Room in the Clinic, Julie Fairman examines the context in which the nurse practitioner movement emerged, how large political and social movements influenced it, and how it contributed to the changing definition of medical care. Drawing on primary source material, including interviews with key figures in the movement, Fairman describes how this evolution helped create an influential foundation for health policies that emerged at the end of the twentieth century, including health maintenance organizations, a renewed interest in health awareness and disease prevention, and consumer-based services
Year: 2008
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780813543192


Lavinia Dock Award for Exemplary Historical Research Writing,
Date: 9/1/2009
Organization: American Association for the History of Nursing

Nurse Practitioners: Evolution and Future of Advanced Practice (Book)
Title: Nurse Practitioners: Evolution and Future of Advanced Practice
Editor: Greenberg, S.
Editor: Sullivan-Marx, E.M.
Editor: McGivern, D.
Editor: Fairman, J.
Abstract: This fifth edition discusses the evolution and future of advance practice nursing, primarily for APN faculty and APN/NP practitioners as well as for leaders and administrators in education. Fully updated and expanded, the book comprehensively describes the historical, social, economic, and global contexts of advanced practice nursing. The team of expert contributors provides a wealth of insight into key issues of the day, such as the mechanics of financial recognition of NPs, the effects of managed care, and the globalization of advanced practice models. The new edition also presents a fresh perspective on the role of nurse practitioners in both small- and large-scale reform initiatives-such as health promotion, disease management, the rapid spread of global disease, and the diminished economic capacity of many countries to meet standards for health care. Enriched with case studies, key principles, and best practices, this book is a must-have for all those invested in the current and future status of advanced practice nursing.
Year: 2010
Publisher: Springer
Type: Edited Volume
ISBN: 9780826118219

The Right to Write: Nurse Practitioners and Prescription. (Book Section)
Title: The Right to Write: Nurse Practitioners and Prescription.
Author: Julie Fairman
Editor: J. Greene
Editor: E.Watkins
Abstract: The prescription is much more than the written "script" or a manufactured medicine, professionally dispensed and taken, and worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year. As an object, it is uniquely illustrative of the complex relations among the producers, providers, and consumers of medicine in modern America. This social history examines America's long love affair with the prescription.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:
Publisher: Johns Hopkins Univeristy Press
Book Title: Prescribed: Writing, Filling, Using, and Abusing the Prescription in Modern America
ISBN: 9781421405063

Patients and the Rise of the Nurse Practitioner Profession. (Book Section)
Title: Patients and the Rise of the Nurse Practitioner Profession.
Author: Julie Fairman
Editor: B. Hoffman
Editor: N. Tomes
Abstract: Patients as Policy Actors offers groundbreaking accounts of one of the health field's most important developments of the last fifty years--the rise of more consciously patient-centered care and policymaking. The authors in this volume illustrate, from multiple disciplinary perspectives, the unexpected ways that patients can matter as both agents and objects of health care policy yet nonetheless too often remain silent, silenced, misrepresented, or ignored. The volume concludes with a unique epilogue outlining principles for more effectively integrating patient perspectives into a pluralistic conception of policy-making. With the recent enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, patients' and consumers' roles in American health care require more than ever the careful analysis and attention exemplified by this innovative volume.
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Book Title: Patients as Policy Actors
ISBN: 978-0-8135-505

Reimagining nursing's place in the history of clinical practice (Article)
Title: Reimagining nursing's place in the history of clinical practice
Author: P. D'Antonio
Author: J. Fairman
Abstract: This work posits how medical history might be conceptualized if nurses and nursing history was used as the analytical lens. Nursing is seen not as a separate part or subsection of medical history, but rather one that is deeply embedded in the relationships and social order of clinical practice. Nursing is an analytical category in and of itself. By approaching nursing as such a category, we enlarge "new notions of historical significance" to encompass personal, political, public, and private activities that constitute medical experiences.
Year: 2008
Primary URL:
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: J Hist Med Allied Sci
Publisher: Oxford


Adelaide Nutting Award for Exemplary Historical Research Writing, American Association for the History of Nursing
Date: 9/1/2010
Organization: American Association for the History of Nursing

Not All Nurses are Good, Not All Doctors are Bad (Article)
Title: Not All Nurses are Good, Not All Doctors are Bad
Author: J. Fairman
Abstract: The article examines the complexity of the relationships between physicians and nurses.
Year: 2004
Format: Journal
Publisher: Bulletin of the History of Medicine

Broadening the Scope of Nursing Practice (Article)
Title: Broadening the Scope of Nursing Practice
Author: D. Shalala
Author: J. Fairman
Author: J. Rowe
Author: S. Hassmiller
Abstract: Fairman, J. A., Rowe, J., Hassmiller, S. & Shalala, D. (2011) “.” To bridge the gap between demand for primary care and available primary care practitioners and establish new approaches to care delivery, health care providers should be able to practice to the fullest extent of their knowledge and competence. This means establishing a broadened scope of practice for nurse practitioners.
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: New England Journal of Medicine