Research Programs: Fellowships for University Teachers
Period of Performance
9/1/2002 - 5/31/2003
Funding Totals
$40,000.00 (approved) $40,000.00 (awarded)
Wilkie Collins's Letters: An Annotated Edition
FAIN: FA-37456-02
William Baker Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL 60115-2828)
No project description available
Media Coverage
Radio: Milton Rosenberg WGN Extension 720 Participant and panelist, “The Diary and Letters as a Literary Form, March 2003 (Media Coverage) Date: 12/27/2011
National Public Radio, the Todd Mundt Show, May 2003. (Media Coverage) Date: 12/27/2011
Associated Products
The Public Face of Wilkie Collins The Collected Letters, 4vols 2005. ISBN: 1- 85196-764-8 (Book) Title: The Public Face of Wilkie Collins The Collected Letters, 4vols 2005. ISBN: 1- 85196-764-8 Editor: edited with Andrew Gasson, Graham Law, and Paul Lewis, Abstract: Edition of Letters of Wilkie Collins Year: 2005 Publisher: London: Pickering and Chatto, four volumes: Type: Edited Volume ISBN: 18519676
A Wilkie Collins Chronology, (Book) Title: A Wilkie Collins Chronology, Abstract: authot chronologies series Year: 2007 Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Type: Single author monograph
Lives of Victorian Literary Figures V: Wilkie Collins, (Book) Title: Lives of Victorian Literary Figures V: Wilkie Collins, Editor: William Baker, Andrew Gasson Abstract: contemporary reactions to Wilkie Collins and his work
Andrew Maunder, Wilkie Collins Society Journal, 10 (2007): 70-72.
Year: 2007 Primary URL Description: contemporary reactions to Wilkie Collins and his work Publisher: Pickering & Chatto, Type: Edited Volume ISBN: 13:97818519681
"The Collected Letters of Wilikie Collins Addenda and Corrigenda (7)" Wilkie Collins Society, 2011 [separate pamphlet: with A. Gasson, P.Leweis, G.Law]. (Article) Title: "The Collected Letters of Wilikie Collins Addenda and Corrigenda (7)" Wilkie Collins Society, 2011 [separate pamphlet: with A. Gasson, P.Leweis, G.Law]. Author: Baker, Gasson, Law,Lewis Abstract: see title Year: 2011 Format: Journal
“The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins Addenda and Corrigenda (6),” Wilkie Collins Society [December 2010] (Article) Title: “The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins Addenda and Corrigenda (6),” Wilkie Collins Society [December 2010] Author: Baker, Gasson,Law,Lewis Abstract: see title
There are FIVE more of these published in the same venue Year: 2010 Format: Magazine