
Research Programs: Fellowships

Period of Performance

7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019

Funding Totals

$50,400.00 (approved)
$50,400.00 (awarded)

Women in the U.S. Navy During World War II: An Online Archive of the WAVES (“Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service”)

FAIN: FEL-257821-18

Kathleen M. Ryan
University of Colorado, Boulder (Boulder, CO 80303-1058)

This project, an interactive online website, uses oral histories and archival photographs, film, and posters, to tell the story of the women who served in the Navy during World War II. They were the first group of women to be allowed into the Navy at the same rank and pay scale as men. The project these historical artifacts into a easily navigable virtual space, leading to a better understanding of an underrepresented area of American history.

Associated Products

Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II (Web Resource)
Title: Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II
Author: Kathleen M. Ran
Abstract: Equal pay as men. Designer clothes. And (eventually) respect. It’s the story about the Greatest Generation that you haven’t heard.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website for the project. To be relaunched in 2020 (site is still initial launch).

Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II (Web Resource)
Title: Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II
Author: Kathleen M. Ryan
Abstract: Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II introduces a group of quirky, independent and determined women who went where no women had gone before: into the Navy as WAVES, or Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service. Through oral histories, a documentary film (six years in the making), a blog, and immersive storytelling, this interactive documentary project reveals a hidden history about a generation that changed the course of American life.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: New webpage for Homefront Heroines site, as funded by NEH